DsiemSecurity event correlation engine for ELK stack
Microservices Platform基于SpringBoot2.x、SpringCloud和SpringCloudAlibaba并采用前后端分离的企业级微服务多租户系统架构。并引入组件化的思想实现高内聚低耦合,项目代码简洁注释丰富上手容易,适合学习和企业中使用。真正实现了基于RBAC、jwt和oauth2的无状态统一权限认证的解决方案,面向互联网设计同时适合B端和C端用户,支持CI/CD多环境部署,并提供应用管理方便第三方系统接入;同时还集合各种微服务治理功能和监控功能。模块包括:企业级的认证系统、开发平台、应用监控、慢sql监控、统一日志、单点登录、Redis分布式高速缓存、配置中心、分布式任务调度、接口文档、代码生成等等。
Go Stashgo-stash is a high performance, free and open source server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from Kafka, processes it, and then sends it to ElasticSearch.
Microservice Scaffold基于Spring Cloud(Greenwich.SR2)搭建的微服务脚手架(适用于在线系统),已集成注册中心(Nacos Config)、配置中心(Nacos Discovery)、认证授权(Oauth 2 + JWT)、日志处理(ELK + Kafka)、限流熔断(AliBaba Sentinel)、应用指标监控(Prometheus + Grafana)、调用链监控(Pinpoint)、以及Spring Boot Admin。
Container.trainingSlides and code samples for training, tutorials, and workshops about Docker, containers, and Kubernetes.
ElastiflowNetwork flow analytics (Netflow, sFlow and IPFIX) with the Elastic Stack
MozdefDEPRECATED - MozDef: Mozilla Enterprise Defense Platform
Ruoyi Cloud(RuoYi)官方仓库 基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud & Alibaba的分布式微服务架构权限管理系统
Elk DockerElasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image
Elk StackELK Stack ... based on Elastic Stack 5.x
Json Logging PythonPython logging library to emit JSON log that can be easily indexed and searchable by logging infrastructure such as ELK, EFK, AWS Cloudwatch, GCP Stackdriver
Skill6 Website Backendjava进阶开发,高级版web项目。基于dubbo实现分布式微服务架构,基于spring boot、spring mvc、mybatis、docker、ELK、redis、vue.js、node.js等技术实现的技术分享交流网站。网站名称:技术流,英文名:skill6。主要功能有:登录注册、单点登录、restful设计、文章及评论、代码及资源下载、主题讨论等。持续更新中...
Docker ElkThe Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
OpenubaA robust, and flexible open source User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) framework used for Security Analytics. Developed with luv by Data Scientists & Security Analysts from the Cyber Security Industry. [PRE-ALPHA]
ElasticElastic Stack (6.2.4) 을 활용한 Dashboard 만들기 Project
Mallmall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。
SiacSIAC is an enterprise SIEM built on open-source technology.
PuntPunt is a tiny and lightweight daemon which helps ship logs to Elasticsearch.
ElkstackThe config files and docker-compose.yml files of Dockerized ELK Stack
Search Guard DocsOfficial documentation for Search Guard, the Elasticsearch security suite
Febs Cloud基于Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE、Spring Cloud OAuth2 & Spring Cloud Alibaba & Element 微服务权限系统,开箱即用。预览地址:https://cloud.mrbird.cn
Ansible Elk PlaybookA playbook for setting up the ELK Stack + beats log shippers on Ubuntu 16.04 and above
Docker Elk Cadvisor DashboardsElasticSearch 1.7 (+data container) | Logstash 1.5.3 (+conf for elk logs) | Kibana 4 (+Dashboard for elk logs) | cAdvisor (Collect & View containers performance) | Nginx Proxy 1.9.3 (for SSL + password access).
SentinlKibana Alert & Report App for Elasticsearch
RpotReal-time Packet Observation Tool
Siem From ScratchSIEM-From-Scratch is a drop-in ELK based SIEM component for your Vagrant infosec lab
Elastdocker🐳 Elastic Stack (ELK) on Docker, with preconfigured Security, Tools, Self-Monitoring, and Prometheus Metrics. Up with a Single Command.
Docker monitoring logging alertingDocker host and container monitoring, logging and alerting out of the box using cAdvisor, Prometheus, Grafana for monitoring, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash for logging and elastalert and Alertmanager for alerting.
Bdp Dataplatform大数据生态解决方案数据平台:基于大数据、数据平台、微服务、机器学习、商城、自动化运维、DevOps、容器部署平台、数据平台采集、数据平台存储、数据平台计算、数据平台开发、数据平台应用搭建的大数据解决方案。
JustlogJustLog brings logging on iOS to the next level. It supports console, file and remote Logstash logging via TCP socket with no effort. Support for logz.io available.
DogvscatSample Docker Swarm cluster stack of tools
XxprojectSpringCloud 微服务综合实例。分布式配置中心,服务发现&负载均衡,链路断路器,API网关,OAuth2认证授权,分布式追踪,ELK日志中心,Ansible/Docker持续交付等最佳实践。
HisHIS英文全称 hospital information system(医院信息系统http:// ),医疗信息就诊系统,系统主要功能按照数据流量、流向及处理过程分为临床诊疗、药品管理、财务管理、患者管理。诊疗活动由各工作站配合完成,并将临床信息进行整理、处理、汇总、统计、分析等。本系统包括以下工作站:门诊医生工作站、药房医生工作站、医技医生工作站、收费员工作站、对帐员工作站、管理员工作站。需求为东软提供的云医院。
Elk DockerDocker configuration for ELK monitoring stack with Curator and Beats data shippers support
Logagent JsExtensible log shipper with input/output plugins, buffering, parsing, data masking, and small memory/CPU footprint
Ansible Elk📊 Ansible playbook for setting up an ELK/EFK stack and clients.
Netlistsvgdraws an SVG schematic from a JSON netlist
Fw Spring CloudSpringCloud构建实战、从入门到高级,包含eureka、zuul、gateway、feign、ribbon、hystrix、mq、turbine、nacos、elk、consul、zookeeper、rocketmq、kafka、分布式事务(RocketMq、LCN、Seata)、分库分表(Sharding-JDBC)、分布式锁(Redis、Guava)、jwt、SkyWalking、Zipkin、bootadmin等使用案例
DetectionlabelkDetectionLabELK is a fork from DetectionLab with ELK stack instead of Splunk.
Tpotce🍯 T-Pot - The All In One Honeypot Platform 🐝