Ngx RestangularRestangular for Angular 2 and higher versions
Stars: ✭ 787 (+1305.36%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
ApidocRESTful API 文档生成工具,支持 Go、Java、Swift、JavaScript、Rust、PHP、Python、Typescript、Kotlin 和 Ruby 等大部分语言。
Stars: ✭ 785 (+1301.79%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
Http Fake BackendBuild a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
Stars: ✭ 253 (+351.79%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
Graphql2restGraphQL to REST converter: automatically generate a RESTful API from your existing GraphQL API
Stars: ✭ 181 (+223.21%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
Generator Http Fake BackendYeoman generator for building a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
Stars: ✭ 49 (-12.5%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
Koa2 Api Scaffold一个基于Koa2的轻量级RESTful API Server脚手架。
Stars: ✭ 694 (+1139.29%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful
Open RestStandard rest server, Base on restify and sequelize
Stars: ✭ 136 (+142.86%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api
Rest Api Design GuideNBB's REST-ish API Design Guide
Stars: ✭ 643 (+1048.21%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
FarwestFramework for building RESTful HATEOAS-driven applications.
Stars: ✭ 18 (-67.86%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
GenConverts a database into gorm structs and RESTful api
Stars: ✭ 825 (+1373.21%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
CalmIt is always Calm before a Tornado!
Stars: ✭ 50 (-10.71%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
Restful Api With Laravel Definitive GuideRepository with the base code for the course "RESTful API with Laravel - Definitive-Guide"
Stars: ✭ 156 (+178.57%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful
ProteusLean, mean, and incredibly fast JVM framework for web and microservice development.
Stars: ✭ 178 (+217.86%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api
Restful Api GuidelinesA model set of guidelines for RESTful APIs and Events, created by Zalando
Stars: ✭ 1,397 (+2394.64%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful
Http restful api整理HTTP后台端的RESTful API方面的知识
Stars: ✭ 94 (+67.86%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful
Api Restful Con Laravel Guia DefinitivaRepositorio para el código base del curso "API RESTful con Laravel - Guía Definitiva"
Stars: ✭ 95 (+69.64%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful
AppkernelAPI development made easy: a smart Python 3 API framework
Stars: ✭ 152 (+171.43%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api
Clevergo👅 CleverGo is a lightweight, feature rich and high performance HTTP router for Go.
Stars: ✭ 246 (+339.29%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful