caixw / Apidoc
Licence: mit
RESTful API 文档生成工具,支持 Go、Java、Swift、JavaScript、Rust、PHP、Python、Typescript、Kotlin 和 Ruby 等大部分语言。
Stars: ✭ 785
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Ngx Restangular
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GraphQL to REST converter: automatically generate a RESTful API from your existing GraphQL API
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Http Fake Backend
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Api Strategy
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Node Express Mongoose Passport Jwt Rest Api Auth
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Http restful api
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Api Restful Con Laravel Guia Definitiva
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Stars: ✭ 95 (-87.9%)
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Rest Api Design Guide
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Node Express Postgresql Sequelize
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Open Rest
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API development made easy: a smart Python 3 API framework
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Openapi Generator
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Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api
Restful Api Guidelines
A model set of guidelines for RESTful APIs and Events, created by Zalando
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Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful
Lean, mean, and incredibly fast JVM framework for web and microservice development.
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Mutual labels: api, rest-api, rest, restful-api
Restful Api Design References
RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。
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Awesome Http Benchmark
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Backend code for my blogs, develop with Django Rest framework.
Stars: ✭ 204 (-74.01%)
Mutual labels: rest-api, rest, restful-api, restful
Restful Api With Laravel Definitive Guide
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Stars: ✭ 156 (-80.13%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful
👅 CleverGo is a lightweight, feature rich and high performance HTTP router for Go.
Stars: ✭ 246 (-68.66%)
Mutual labels: api, rest-api, restful-api, restful
apidoc 是一个简单的 RESTful API 文档生成工具,它从代码注释中提取特定格式的内容,生成文档。
目前支持支持以下语言:C#、C/C++、D、Dart、Erlang、Go、Groovy、Java、JavaScript、Julia、Kotlin、Lisp/Clojure、Lua、Nim、Pascal/Delphi、Perl、PHP、Python、Ruby、Rust、Scala、Swift、Typescript 和 Zig。
* <api method="GET" summary="获取所有的用户信息">
* <path path="/users">
* <query name="page" type="number" default="0" summary="显示第几页的内容" />
* <query name="size" type="number" default="20" summary="每页显示的数量" />
* </path>
* <tag>user</tag>
* <server>users</server>
* <response status="200" type="object" mimetype="application/json">
* <param name="count" type="int" optional="false" summary="符合条件的所有用户数量" />
* <param name="users" type="object" array="true" summary="用户列表">
* <param name="id" type="int" summary="唯一 ID" />
* <param name="name" type="string" summary="姓名" />
* </param>
* <example mimetype="application/json">
* <![CDATA[
* {
* "count": 500,
* "users": [
* {"id":1, "name": "管理员2"},
* {"id":2, "name": "管理员2"}
* ],
* }
* ]]>
* </example>
* </response>
* <response status="500" mimetype="application/json" type="object">
* <param name="code" type="int" summary="错误代码" />
* <param name="msg" type="string" summary="错误内容" />
* </response>
* </api>
func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
在 提供了部分主流系统下的可用二进制。如果你使用的系统不在此列,则需要手动下载编译。
支持多种本地化语言,默认情况下会根据当前系统所使用的语言进行调整。也可以通过设置环境变更 LANG
指定一个本地化信息。*nix 系统也可以使用以下命令:
LANG=lang apidoc # lang 设置为你需要的语言 ID,比如 zh-hans 等。
若需要将 apidoc 当作包集成到其它 Go 程序中,可参考以下代码:
import (
// 初始本地化内容
// 可以自定义实现具体的错误处理方式
h := core.NewHandler(...)
output := &build.Output{...}
inputs := []*build.Input{...}
apidoc.Build(h, output, inputs...)
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