maxyermayank / Docker Compose Elasticsearch Kibana
Docker Compose for Elasticsearch and Kibana
Stars: ✭ 584
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Docker Compose Elasticsearch Kibana
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Threat Hunting with ELK Workshop (InfoSecWorld 2017)
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Docker offensive elk
Elasticsearch for Offensive Security
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Synesis lite suricata
Suricata IDS/IPS log analytics using the Elastic Stack.
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Spring Boot Microservice Eureka Zuul Docker
Spring-Boot rest microservices using Eureka, Zuul, Docker. Monitoring with logstash, logback, elasticsearch, kibana
Stars: ✭ 45 (-92.29%)
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Search Guard Kibana Plugin
This plugin for Kibana adds session management and multi tenancy to a Search Guard secured cluster.
Stars: ✭ 107 (-81.68%)
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Search Guard Docs
Official documentation for Search Guard, the Elasticsearch security suite
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Docker Elk
The Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
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Elastic Stack (6.2.4) 을 활용한 Dashboard 만들기 Project
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Json Logging Python
Python logging library to emit JSON log that can be easily indexed and searchable by logging infrastructure such as ELK, EFK, AWS Cloudwatch, GCP Stackdriver
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Elk Docker
Docker configuration for ELK monitoring stack with Curator and Beats data shippers support
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Search Guard
Search Guard Plugin - Security for Elasticsearch
Stars: ✭ 56 (-90.41%)
Mutual labels: elk, elk-stack, elasticsearch
Search Guard Ssl
Elasticsearch SSL for free. Supports native Open SSL.
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Mutual labels: elk, elk-stack, elasticsearch
DEPRECATED - MozDef: Mozilla Enterprise Defense Platform
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Network flow analytics (Netflow, sFlow and IPFIX) with the Elastic Stack
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Mutual labels: elk, elasticsearch, kibana
Elk Docker
Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image
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Mutual labels: elk, elasticsearch, kibana
Kibana Automatic Index Pattern Discovery and Other Elastic Stack Curating Tasks
Stars: ✭ 49 (-91.61%)
Mutual labels: kibana, elk, elk-stack
Docker Compose for 3 Node Elasticsearch Cluster and Kibana Instance for development purposes.
- [x] 3 Node Elasticsearch version
- [x] Kibana version
- [x] Audit Beat version
- [x] Metric Beat version
- [x] Heart Beat version
- [x] Packet Beat version
- [x] File Beat version
- [x] APM Server version
- [x] APM Search
- [x] NGINX
- If you need Open Source version then change Elasticsearch and Kibana Images to elasticsearch-oss and kibana-oss respectively.
- Kibana is being served behind Nginx Proxy so you can secure access of kibana for your purpose.
- [x] Docker 18.05
- [x] Docker-compose 1.21
Start Stack in Daemon Mode
docker-compose up -d
Check status of docker-compose cluster
docker-compose ps -a
Stop Compose Stack
docker-compose down
Cluster Node Info
curl http://localhost:9200/_nodes?pretty=true
Access Kibana
Validate Kibana is running
Accessing Kibana through Nginx
Access Elasticsearch
Validate Elasticsearch is running
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If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].