Amazon-Fine-Food-ReviewMachine learning algorithm such as KNN,Naive Bayes,Logistic Regression,SVM,Decision Trees,Random Forest,k means and Truncated SVD on amazon fine food review
Stars: ✭ 28 (-34.88%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, naive-bayes, logistic-regression, machinelearning
Machine Learning With PythonPractice and tutorial-style notebooks covering wide variety of machine learning techniques
Stars: ✭ 2,197 (+5009.3%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, clustering, naive-bayes, k-nearest-neighbours
25daysinmachinelearningI will update this repository to learn Machine learning with python with statistics content and materials
Stars: ✭ 53 (+23.26%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, machine-learning-algorithms, logistic-regression, machinelearning
Machine Learning ModelsDecision Trees, Random Forest, Dynamic Time Warping, Naive Bayes, KNN, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Mixture Of Gaussian, Neural Network, PCA, SVD, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Fitting Data to Gaussian, K-Means
Stars: ✭ 160 (+272.09%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, machine-learning-algorithms, supervised-learning, logistic-regression
MachineLearningSeriesVídeos e códigos do Universo Discreto ensinando o fundamental de Machine Learning em Python. Para mais detalhes, acompanhar a playlist listada.
Stars: ✭ 20 (-53.49%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, machine-learning-algorithms, k-nearest-neighbours
Machine-Learning-ModelsIn This repository I made some simple to complex methods in machine learning. Here I try to build template style code.
Stars: ✭ 30 (-30.23%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, naive-bayes, logistic-regression
Python Machine Learning BookThe "Python Machine Learning (1st edition)" book code repository and info resource
Stars: ✭ 11,428 (+26476.74%)
Mutual labels: data-mining, machine-learning-algorithms, logistic-regression
Free Ai Resources🚀 FREE AI Resources - 🎓 Courses, 👷 Jobs, 📝 Blogs, 🔬 AI Research, and many more - for everyone!
Stars: ✭ 192 (+346.51%)
Mutual labels: machine-learning-algorithms, supervised-learning, machinelearning
2018 Machinelearning Lectures EsaMachine Learning Lectures at the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2018
Stars: ✭ 280 (+551.16%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, clustering, machinelearning
Isl PythonSolutions to labs and excercises from An Introduction to Statistical Learning, as Jupyter Notebooks.
Stars: ✭ 108 (+151.16%)
Mutual labels: random-forest, supervised-learning, logistic-regression
genieclustGenie++ Fast and Robust Hierarchical Clustering with Noise Point Detection - for Python and R
Stars: ✭ 34 (-20.93%)
Mutual labels: data-mining, clustering, machine-learning-algorithms
Dat8General Assembly's 2015 Data Science course in Washington, DC
Stars: ✭ 1,516 (+3425.58%)
Mutual labels: clustering, naive-bayes, logistic-regression
genieGenie: A Fast and Robust Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm (this R package has now been superseded by genieclust)
Stars: ✭ 21 (-51.16%)
Mutual labels: data-mining, clustering, machine-learning-algorithms
Model Describermodel-describer : Making machine learning interpretable to humans
Stars: ✭ 22 (-48.84%)
Mutual labels: data-mining, machine-learning-algorithms, machinelearning
Orange3🍊 📊 💡 Orange: Interactive data analysis
Stars: ✭ 3,152 (+7230.23%)
Mutual labels: data-mining, random-forest, clustering
machine-learning-courseMachine Learning Course @ Santa Clara University
Stars: ✭ 17 (-60.47%)
Mutual labels: clustering, supervised-learning, logistic-regression
zoofszoofs is a python library for performing feature selection using a variety of nature-inspired wrapper algorithms. The algorithms range from swarm-intelligence to physics-based to Evolutionary. It's easy to use , flexible and powerful tool to reduce your feature size.
Stars: ✭ 142 (+230.23%)
Mutual labels: machine-learning-algorithms, supervised-learning, machinelearning
Machine learning basicsPlain python implementations of basic machine learning algorithms
Stars: ✭ 3,557 (+8172.09%)
Mutual labels: machine-learning-algorithms, logistic-regression, k-nearest-neighbours
Data miningThe Ruby DataMining Gem, is a little collection of several Data-Mining-Algorithms
Stars: ✭ 10 (-76.74%)
Mutual labels: data-mining, clustering, machine-learning-algorithms
Awesome Fraud Detection PapersA curated list of data mining papers about fraud detection.
Stars: ✭ 843 (+1860.47%)
Mutual labels: data-mining, random-forest, logistic-regression