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Top 187 machinelearning open source projects

Text Classification
Machine Learning and NLP: Text Classification using python, scikit-learn and NLTK
A Python toolkit for Reservoir Computing and Echo State Network experimentation based on pyTorch. EchoTorch is the only Python module available to easily create Deep Reservoir Computing models.
Awesome Deep Learning And Machine Learning Questions
【不定期更新】收集整理的一些网站中(如知乎、Quora、Reddit、Stack Exchange等)与深度学习、机器学习、强化学习、数据科学相关的有价值的问题
Atari Model Zoo
A binary release of trained deep reinforcement learning models trained in the Atari machine learning benchmark, and a software release that enables easy visualization and analysis of models, and comparison across training algorithms.
ClearML - Auto-Magical CI/CD to streamline your ML workflow. Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management
Awesome Ml Projects Guide
A guide to building awesome machine learning projects.
Bet On Sibyl
Machine Learning Model for Sport Predictions (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Soccer & Tennis)
Clearml Server
ClearML - Auto-Magical Suite of tools to streamline your ML workflow. Experiment Manager, ML-Ops and Data-Management
Ml Interview
Resources I used for ML Engineer, Applied Scientist and Quant Researcher interviews.
VideoView that plays video only when 👀 are open and 👦 is detected with various other features
Nano Neuron
🤖 NanoNeuron is 7 simple JavaScript functions that will give you a feeling of how machines can actually "learn"
Gym Fx
Forex trading simulator environment for OpenAI Gym, observations contain the order status, performance and timeseries loaded from a CSV file containing rates and indicators. Work In Progress
Machine Learning
python,机器学习笔记,machine learning,nlp
Deep Learning With Tensorflow Book
深度学习入门开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0案例实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework.
Efficient Apriori
An efficient Python implementation of the Apriori algorithm.
Real Time Ml Project
A curated list of applied machine learning and data science notebooks and libraries across different industries.
All For NLP, especially Chinese.
Sdk Go
Official Go SDK for Machine Box
A beginner-friendly project to help you in open-source contributions. Data Structures & Algorithms in various programming languages Please leave a star ⭐ to support this project! ✨
DialoGLUE: A Natural Language Understanding Benchmark for Task-Oriented Dialogue
Monk gui
A Graphical user Interface for deep learning and computer vision over Monk Libraries
Startcraft pysc2 minigames
Startcraft II Machine Learning research with DeepMind pysc2 python library .mini-games and agents.
Responsible Ai Widgets
This project provides responsible AI user interfaces for Fairlearn, interpret-community, and Error Analysis, as well as foundational building blocks that they rely on.
Gym Electric Motor
Gym Electric Motor (GEM): An OpenAI Gym Environment for Electric Motors
Automated Data Science and Machine Learning library to optimize workflow.
Learn Ml Basics
A collection of resources that should help and guide your first steps as you learn ML and DL. I am a beginner as well, and these are the resources I found most useful.
Rps tfjs demo
Training a Rock Paper Scissors model in the browser via TFJS - Learn along style
Hardhat Detector
A convolutional neural network implementation of a script that detects whether an individual is wearing a hardhat or not.
1-60 of 187 machinelearning projects