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munikarmanish / kmeans

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A simple implementation of K-means (and Bisecting K-means) clustering algorithm in Python

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k-means Clustering

This is a simple pythonic implementation of the two centroid-based partitioned clustering algorithms: k-means and bisecting k-means.


To run this program, you need to have python 3.x installed with following packages:

  • numpy (for matrix calculations)
  • matplotlib (for visualization)
  • click (for command line interface)

You can install these with the following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


First of all, you need to have a data file. A sample data file demo/data.txt is included in this repo.

For running the program on the sample dataset, run:

python3 --verbose

To test bisecting k-means, use your own datasets, and change various clustering paramters, see help text.

python3 --help


Manish Munikar [email protected]

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