All Projects → petronetto → Machine Learning Alpine

petronetto / Machine Learning Alpine

Licence: bsd-3-clause
Alpine Container for Machine Learning

Programming Languages

139335 projects - #7 most used programming language

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Machine Learning Alpine

The book was written and tested with Python 3.5, though other Python versions (including Python 2.7) should work in nearly all cases.
Stars: ✭ 31,995 (+106550%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib
Machine Learning With Python
Practice and tutorial-style notebooks covering wide variety of machine learning techniques
Stars: ✭ 2,197 (+7223.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib
datascienv is package that helps you to setup your environment in single line of code with all dependency and it is also include pyforest that provide single line of import all required ml libraries
Stars: ✭ 53 (+76.67%)
Mutual labels:  numpy, scikit-learn, pandas, xgboost, matplotlib
Stats Maths With Python
General statistics, mathematical programming, and numerical/scientific computing scripts and notebooks in Python
Stars: ✭ 381 (+1170%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
공공데이터 분석
Stars: ✭ 148 (+393.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
This repository contains Ipython notebooks and datasets for the data analytics youtube tutorials on The Semicolon.
Stars: ✭ 345 (+1050%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib
Stock Market Analysis And Prediction
Stock Market Analysis and Prediction is the project on technical analysis, visualization and prediction using data provided by Google Finance.
Stars: ✭ 112 (+273.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
Data Science Ipython Notebooks
Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
Stars: ✭ 22,048 (+73393.33%)
Mutual labels:  pandas, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib
📚 Various cheatsheets in PDF
Stars: ✭ 159 (+430%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy
Data Science Projects With Python
A Case Study Approach to Successful Data Science Projects Using Python, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn
Stars: ✭ 198 (+560%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy
Deeplearning cv notes
📓 deepleaning and cv notes.
Stars: ✭ 223 (+643.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib
Crime Analysis
Association Rule Mining from Spatial Data for Crime Analysis
Stars: ✭ 20 (-33.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib
Data Analysis
Stars: ✭ 142 (+373.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
Machine Learning Projects
This repository consists of all my Machine Learning Projects.
Stars: ✭ 135 (+350%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
Data Science For Marketing Analytics
Achieve your marketing goals with the data analytics power of Python
Stars: ✭ 127 (+323.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
Tensorflow Ml Nlp
텐서플로우와 머신러닝으로 시작하는 자연어처리(로지스틱회귀부터 트랜스포머 챗봇까지)
Stars: ✭ 176 (+486.67%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, xgboost, numpy
Pymc Example Project
Example PyMC3 project for performing Bayesian data analysis using a probabilistic programming approach to machine learning.
Stars: ✭ 90 (+200%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, numpy
Sigmoidal ai
Tutoriais de Python, Data Science, Machine Learning e Deep Learning - Sigmoidal
Stars: ✭ 103 (+243.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, xgboost, matplotlib
A Python Matplotlib, Numpy library to manage wind data, draw windrose (also known as a polar rose plot), draw probability density function and fit Weibull distribution
Stars: ✭ 208 (+593.33%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
Kaggle Struggle
Stars: ✭ 228 (+660%)
Mutual labels:  jupyter-notebook, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib

Alpine Container for Machine Learning

  __  __            _     _              _                          _
 |  \/  | __ _  ___| |__ (_)_ __   ___  | |    ___  __ _ _ __ _ __ (_)_ __   __ _
 | |\/| |/ _` |/ __| '_ \| | '_ \ / _ \ | |   / _ \/ _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
 | |  | | (_| | (__| | | | | | | |  __/ | |__|  __/ (_| | |  | | | | | | | | (_| |
 |_|  |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___| |_____\___|\__,_|_|  |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |


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What is include

  • Python 3.6
  • NumPy
  • SciPy
  • Scikit-learn
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • XGBoost
  • Jupyter Notebook

All in a small container around 150 MB :)

Running the container

  • Clone this repository: git clone [email protected]:petronetto/machine-learning-alpine.git

  • Enter in project folder: cd machine-learning-alpine

  • Run: docker-composer up and open your browser in http://localhost:8888

See the Welcome.ipynb to see the package versions.


docker run -it --name machine-learning \
           -v $(PWD):/notebooks \
           -p 8888:8888 -d \

If you want work with TensorFlow, you can see my other containers:

Enjoy :)

License: BSD 3-Clause

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Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].