openage: a volunteer project to create a free engine clone of the Genie Engine used by Age of Empires, Age of Empires II (HD) and Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, comparable to projects like OpenMW, OpenRA, OpenSAGE, OpenTTD and OpenRCT2. At the moment we focus our efforts on the integration of Age of Empires II, while being primarily aimed at POSIX platforms such as GNU/Linux.
openage uses the original game assets (such as sounds and graphics), but (for obvious reasons) doesn't ship them. To play, you require an original AoE II: TC or AoE II: HD installation (via Wine or Steam-Linux).
Contact | Where? |
Issue Tracker | SFTtech/openage |
Development Blog | |
Forum | |
Matrix Chat | |
IRC Chat | #sfttech |
Money Sink |
Technical foundation
Technology | Component |
C++20 | Engine core |
Python3 | Scripting, media conversion, in-game console, code generation |
Qt5 | Graphical user interface |
Cython | Glue code |
CMake | Build system |
OpenGL3.3 | Rendering, shaders |
SDL2 | Cross-platform Audio/Input/Window handling |
Opus | Audio codec |
nyan | Content Configuration and Modding |
Humans | Mixing together all of the above |
- Fully authentic look and feel
- This can only be approximated, since the behaviour of the original game is mostly undocumented, and guessing/experimenting can only get you this close
- We will not implement useless artificial limitations (max 30 selectable units...)
- An easily-moddable content format: nyan yet another notation
- An integrated Python console and API, comparable to blender
- AI scripting in Python, you can use machine learning
- here is some additional literature
- Re-creating free game assets
- Multiplayer (obviously)
- Matchmaking and ranking with a haskell masterserver
- Optionally, improvements over the original game
- Awesome infrastructure such as our own Kevin CI service
But beware, for sanity reasons:
- No network compatibility with the original game. You really wanna have the same problems again?
- No binary compatibility with the original game. A one-way script to convert maps/savegames/missions to openage is planned though.
Current State of the Project
Important notice: Gameplay is currently non-functional as the internal simulation is replaced by a more sophisticated implementation. You also might experience errors when running a build. Gameplay will return in a later update. Detailed explanations can be found in this blog post.
What features are currently implemented?
- See status page.
What's the plan?
- See doc/ We also have lists of crazy xor good ideas and a technical overview for requested features.
Installation Packages
Supported Platforms: Linux, Windows 10, MacOS X 10.14
For Linux check at repology if your distribution has any packages available or here for any future updates on *.deb and AppImage packages.
For Windows check our release page for the latest installer or here for nightly builds.
NOTE: If you have any problems starting conversion or starting openage take a look into the package instructions and our troubleshooting guide.
NOTE: For MacOSX we currently don't have any packages.
Operating System | Build status |
Debian Sid | Todo: Kevin #11 |
Ubuntu 21.04 | |
macOS | |
Windows 10 - x64 | |
Windows Server 2019 | |
Windows Server 2022 |
How do I get this to run on my box?
- See doc/
I compiled everything. Now how do I run it?
- Execute
. - The convert script will transform original assets into openage formats, which are a lot saner and more moddable.
- Use your brain and react to the things you'll see.
- Execute
Waaaaaah! It
- segfaults
- prints error messages I don't want to read
- ate my dog
All of those are features, not bugs.
To turn them off, use ./run --dont-segfault --no-errors --dont-eat-dog
If this still does not help, try our troubleshooting guide, the contact section or the bug tracker.
You might ask yourself now "Yeah, this sounds cool and all, but how do I participate
and get famous contribute useful features?".
Fortunately for you, there is a lot to do and we are very grateful for help.
Where do I start?
- The engine has several core parts that need help.
You can look at the project related issues and find something for you, for example:
- Asset Converter: Converts whatever properietary format used by a Age of Empires 2 into open formats. Written mostly in Python 3. There are a lot of TODOs and beginner issues available right now, so it's a good place to get your feet wet.
- Game simulation: Also known as the gameplay implementation. Written in C++, using the Entity-Component-System paradigm in addition to an event-driven simulation.
- Documentation: We not only document code, but also anything technical about the Genie engine and its games. If you like documenting file formats or thouroughly investigating game mechanics, then this might be the right place to start.
- Check the issues labelled with good first issues. These are tasks that you can start right away and don't require much previous knowledge.
- Ask us in the chat. Someone there could need help with something.
- You can also take the initiative and fix a bug you found, create an issue for discussion or implement a feature that we never though of, but always wanted.
Ok, I found something. What now?
- Tell us, if you haven't already. Chances are that we have additional information and directions.
- Read the docs. They will answer most "administrative" questions like what code style is used and how the engine core parts are connected.
- Read the code and get familiar with the engine component you want to work with.
- Do not hesitate to ask us for help if you do not understand something.
How do I contribute my features/changes?
- Read the contributing guide.
- You can upload work in progress (WIP) revisions or drafts of your contribution to get feedback or support.
- Tell us (again) when you want us to review your work.
I want to help, but I'm not a programmer...
Then openage might be a good reason to become one! We have many issues and tasks for beginners. You just have to ask and we'll find something. Alternatively, lurking is also allowed.
Cheers, happy hecking.
Development Process
What does openage development look like in practice?
- extensive synchronization!
- doc/
How can I help?
All documentation is also in this repo:
- Code documentation is embedded in the sources for Doxygen (see doc readme).
- Have a look at the doc directory. This folder tends to get outdated when code changes.
GNU GPLv3 or later; see and legal/GPLv3.
I know that probably nobody is ever gonna look at the
but if you want to contribute code to openage, please take the time to
skim through it and add yourself to the authors list.