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carpentries-incubator / python-packaging-publishing

Licence: other
Packaging and Publishing with Python

Programming Languages

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Lesson materials for an Introduction to High Performance Computing in the tradition of Software Carpentry
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Packaging and Publishing in Python

This GitHub repository generates the lesson website "Packaging and Publishing with Python " The lesson website can be viewed here. Making changes in this GitHub repository allows us to change the content of the lesson website.

The following people are maintainers for this lesson, and are responsible for determining which changes to incorporate into the lesson:


If you are interested in hosting a pilot (including self study) comment on this issue to get support and help incorporate your feedback better.

Mozilla Open Leaders

This project was a part of the Mozilla Open leaders Cohort 6 as, "Good Enough Open Source Practices for Python Data Analysis Projects." Through that project sprint, the goal was to gather the necessary information, complete an outline and gather preliminary materials to facilitate an initial pilot run of the workshop.

Getting Started

This is to be a collaboration among scientific computing researchers and educators to develop accessible tutorial materials and minimal templates that empower researchers developing new analysis techniques to release them in formats that encourage community adoption. We're working open to model the practices that the lesson teaches. By working open, we hope to increase the impact of the templates and tutorials by encouraging learners to contribute back.

This tutorial will cover some next steps for getting your python-based data analysis project organized and ready to share. See the learner profiles with collaborators or in general. What differentiates this project from others is that it aims to specifically target minimal effort, maximal benefit open source practices to help researchers who want to share their work with minimal overhead.


This lesson will again participate in Hacktoberfest in 2019. For Hacktoberfest, please check the Hacktoberfest label on issues. Maintainers will do their best to help you if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any difficulties along the way.

As a Carpentries Incubator Project all contributors and maintainers of this project, pledge to follow the [Carpentry Code of Conduct][coc].

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by following our [reporting guidelines][coc-reporting].

We'd like to ask you to familiarize yourself with our Contribution Guide and have a look at the more detailed Carpentries guidelines on proper formatting, ways to render the lesson locally, and even how to write new episodes.


  • Sarah M Brown (@Brownsarahm)
  • you? add an issue using the "maintainer app" button


A list of contributors to the lesson can be found in AUTHORS


To cite this lesson, please consult with CITATION.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].