unicodeveloper / Resources I Like
📚💯 Collection of learning resources i like
Stars: ✭ 280
Programming Languages
184084 projects - #8 most used programming language
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Resources I Like
Learn Python for free using open-source notebooks in Hebrew.
Stars: ✭ 877 (+213.21%)
Mutual labels: learning, programming, open-source
Free opensource Learning Resources related to Web-Development A to Z 🔥❤
Stars: ✭ 210 (-25%)
Mutual labels: learning, resources, open-source
Free Programming Resources
💎 免费的编程资源大全,持续更新!🔥 覆盖各种语言和方向(Java \ Python \ C++ \ JavaScript \ Golang \ 前端 \ 后端等)的学习路线、贴心教程、项目实战、编程书籍、面试合集、实用资源等,对程序员非常有帮助!
Stars: ✭ 225 (-19.64%)
Mutual labels: learning, programming, resources
A comprehensive list of 180+ YouTube Channels for Data Science, Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Computer Science, programming, software engineering, etc.
Stars: ✭ 1,038 (+270.71%)
Mutual labels: programming, resources
A complete roadmap and resources for competitive programming for placement purpose.
Stars: ✭ 58 (-79.29%)
Mutual labels: programming, resources
A collection of tech resources that allow you to learn new things by playing games
Stars: ✭ 95 (-66.07%)
Mutual labels: programming, resources
Todo Vue
Code for YouTube series on building a Todo App in Vue.js
Stars: ✭ 199 (-28.93%)
Mutual labels: firebase, laravel
Colección de libros recomendados en formato PDF que he realizado para ti y así puedas mejorar tus habilidades como programador. Recuerda, siempre disfruta del aprendizaje.
Stars: ✭ 89 (-68.21%)
Mutual labels: learning, programming
Just a place where I can store demo projects for my technical articles.
Stars: ✭ 28 (-90%)
Mutual labels: learning, programming
The coding projects which have been covered in the YouTube videos
Stars: ✭ 21 (-92.5%)
Mutual labels: learning, programming
Resources To Learn And Understand SIGMA Rules
Stars: ✭ 61 (-78.21%)
Mutual labels: learning, resources
A comprehensive list of links and resources about anything programming related
Stars: ✭ 55 (-80.36%)
Mutual labels: programming, resources
⚡ Collection of Starred Repos to find them easily
Stars: ✭ 41 (-85.36%)
Mutual labels: programming, resources
goodReads (pun intended) for coding and programming
Stars: ✭ 29 (-89.64%)
Mutual labels: programming, resources
🏄 A list of awesome resources I used to study Physics.
Stars: ✭ 27 (-90.36%)
Mutual labels: learning, resources
Books and other resources for learning Ruby and computer science.
Stars: ✭ 25 (-91.07%)
Mutual labels: learning, resources
<<Rust语言圣经(Book & Course)>>对Rust语言进行全面且深入的讲解,书中辅以生动的示例和习题,带你攻克从入门学习到实践应用的各种难关。 我们的目标是做一门优秀的开源Rust教程(课程)——学Rust就上course.rs。
Stars: ✭ 2,739 (+878.21%)
Mutual labels: learning, programming
Nora is a Firebase abstraction layer for FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseStorage
Stars: ✭ 270 (-3.57%)
Mutual labels: firebase, open-source
Awesome Opensource Apps
🏠ℹ️ Curated list of awesome open source crafted web & mobile applications - Learn, Fork, Contribute & Most Importantly Enjoy!
Stars: ✭ 2,199 (+685.36%)
Mutual labels: firebase, laravel
Awesome Learning Resources I Like
Table of Contents
- GraphQL
- PHP Packages for Everyone
- Python
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- RxJS
- Vue
- Laravel
- Machine Learning
- Ionic
- Firebase
- Successful Developer Strategies
- Database
- Scrum
- Git
- DevOps
- Commandline
- Open Source
- Regex
- Design Patterns
- Better Programming, Better development teams, Better Product
- Nice & Terrific Hacks
- Community Building
- Interview Preparation for Developers
- Security
- Scaling
- Progressive Web Apps
- Frontend Development
- Chrome Dev Tools
- Stories from the Trenches
- Conference Talks
- Remote Work
- So what is this GraphQL thing?
- Give it a REST: use GraphQL for your APIs
- How to GraphQL: The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
- REST APIs are REST-in-Peace APIs. Long Live GraphQL.
- Cloudways PHP Tutorials
- PHP The Right Way
- PHP Dependency Injection
- phpenthusiast.com
- php-books.com
- goodheads.io
- phpdeveloper.org
- killerphp.com
- Full Stack Python
- Python for web developers
- Python Podcasts
- Full Stack Python (video)
- Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Codecademy Learn Python
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
PHP Packages For Everyone
- Crawler Detector - PHP Library that detects over 390 bots/crawlers/spiders
- PHP Library to add colors in your CLI Scripts
- PHP Library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers.
- PHP Package for dealing with queues and background job processing
- Better Markdown Parser in PHP
- Laravel 5 helper function for Non-Laravel Applications
- PHP Database Migrations for Everyone
- PHP Library for the Vimeo API
- PHP Library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
- Laravel Blade for Non-Laravel Projects
- Flexible Access Control List Package For Authorization, Roles and Permissions (PHP 5.4+)
- Small PHP Library to generate YouTube-like hashids from one or many numbers. Very good for Obfuscating User IDS
- PHP Package for working with the Twitter Streaming API
Specific Resource
- Design Patterns in PHP - Practical Examples
- Awesome PHP - Several Mind Blowing PHP Resources
- What to Expect in PHP 7 - Part 1
- What to Expect in PHP 7 - Part 2
- Guide to Using PHP 7
- What is Dependency Injection? PHP Example
- The 12 Factor PHP app
- PHP Design Patterns
- PHP Package Checklist for Building Awesome and Modern PHP Packages
- Great, Gentle and Subtle Introduction to PHP
- Dependency Injection Example using PHP
- Test Driven Development Example using PHP
- Nodejs-Free PHP Front end Asset Management
- PHP CheatSheet
- Best Practices for Modern PHP Development
- How to Create a PSR-4 PHP Package
- Formatting Exception Messages
- Scaling Wordpress with HHVM on heroku
- A magic memoization function
- Building PHP Projects on AWS Codebuild
- Streamed File Zipping and Downloading in PHP
- Re-introducing Vagrant: The right way to start PHP
- watchmecode.net
- Essential Javascript Links
- ECMAScript® Language Specification - 5.1
- ECMAScript 6 Language Specification (ES2015)
- ECMAScript 7 Language Specification (ES2016)
- You Don't Know JavaScript
- Single Piece Of Javascript on Hacker News
- Simplified JS Jargon
- Prototypal Inheritance Explained
- How to develop a package for Github's Atom Code Editor
- 10 Things I learned from the JQuery Source
- Universal JavaScript
- A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript
- Modular JavaScript - Practical ES6
- Webpack - The Confusing Parts
- Building and Authenticating a NodeJS app
- Top JavaScript frameworks to learn in 2017
- How I converted my React App to VanillasJS and whether or not it was a terrible idea
- How to build your own Uber for X app - Part 1
- How to build your own Uber for X app - Part 2
- Next on NextJS
- JavaScript Startup Performance by Addy Osmani
- A glossary of modern JavaScript concepts - Part 1
- Webpack is not the only way - Introducing Fusebox
- JavaScript's journey through 2016
- A detailed introduction to Webpack
- Three Ways of Understanding Promises
- ES6 Features: 10 Use cases for proxy
- Build Live comments feature using JavaScript
- JavaScript Modules: A beginner's guide
- How to manage JavaScript fatigue
- The habits of effective JavaScript developers
- An Overview of JavaScript testing in 2017
- JavaScript: Arrow Functions for Beginners
- Understanding Nodejs Event driven Architecture
- Bring Laravel Collections to JavaScript with Collect.js
- JavaScript 30
- Rebuilding Slack’s Emoji Picker in React
- Keep webpack Fast: A Field Guide for Better Build Performance
- How we improved webpack build performance by 95%
- ES6 and Beyond Workshop Part 1 at PayPal (Jan 2017)
- ES6 and Beyond Workshop Part 2 at PayPal (March2017)
- Motion Graphics about programming
- Learn about promises before you start using async/await
- 6 reasons why JavaScript's async await blows promises away
- egghead.io
- Introduction to Vue
- Getting Started With TDD and Vue.js
- Vuejs 2 Authentication Tutorial
- Authenticating a Vue JS Application With Firebase UI
- Simple Modal Notifications in Vue.js with Vue-SweetAlert2
- Offline First Masonry Grid Showcase with Vue
- Testing Vue
- egghead.io
- A guide to transclusion in AngularJS
- Build Your Own Simplified AngularJS in 200 lines of Code
- Build a real time scheduling app using angularjs and firebase
- Properly set environment variables for Angular apps with Gulp ng config
- Migrating an Angular 1 app to Angular 2 - Part 1
- Migrating an Angular 1 app to Angular 2 - Part 2
- Migrating an Angular 1 app to Angular 2 - Part 3
- From Angular.module to NgModule
- Testing Routes in Angular 2
AngularJS Directives I have Found Useful for Quick Saas Apps
Angular 2
- Angular Expo - Showcase of Angular 2 webapps
- Creating you first real world angular 2 app from authentication to..
- Learn the ins and outs of form validation with Angular 2
- Use @NgModule to Manage Dependencies in your Angular 2 Apps
- Understanding Angular 2 Change Detection
- 30 Learning resources for mastering Angular 2
- Angular Universal for the rest of us
- Getting Started With Angular 2
- Setting up an Angular 2 development environment
- Setting up your first Angular (2) Project Using Angular Material (2)
- Using Angular Material 2 components in your angular 2 project - Intro: Custom styles buttons
- Making Your Anuglar App fast
- Building Real World, Production Quality Apps With Angular 2
- Planning an Angular application
- Rangle's Angular 2 Training Book
- Learn Angular 2 Development with our Free Course
Specific Resources for ReactJS
- ReactJS Introduction for people who know just enough JQuery to get by
- Creating a simple shopping cart with ReactJS and Flux
- Build a real time twitter stream with node and reactjs
- Bootstrapping a React Project
- ReactJs Components: Learning the basics
- ReactJS for Stupid People
- React Daily UI - Sign Up Form
- React Daily UI - Checkout
- React Daily UI - Landing Page
- A practical guide to Redux
- 9 things every ReactJS beginner should know
- React’s Five Fingers of Death. Master these five concepts, then master React.
- Our best practices for writing React components
- React Fiber Architecture
- The Complete Introduction to React - Version 1
- The Complete Introduction to React - Version 2
- ReactJS Authentication Tutorial
- How to build a lightweight Clone of Yelp
- How does React decide to re-render a component?
- Functional SetState is the future of React
- How to use Redux on highly scalable JavaScript Applications
- How to better organize your React applications
- Passing data between react components
- Surprising Polymorphism in React applications
- Internationalization in React
- React is Slow, React is Fast: Optimizing React Apps in Practice
- Navigating React's setState()
- The Benefits of Server side rendering over client side rendering
- How to build yourself a Redux
- A Cartoon Introduction to Redux
React Native
Specific Resources for React Native
- React Native Training - Fundamentals Keynote Slides
- The essential boilerplate to authenticate users on your react native app
- React Native App Stack - March 2017
- I made React Native fast, you can too!
- Build a Lunch Spot Recommendation app
- Cloudways Laravel Tutorials
- dunebook.com
- laraveldaily.com
- learninglaravel.net
- laravelcoding.com
- culttt.com
- laravelbestpractices.com
- laravel-recipes.com
- codecourse.com
- laracasts.com
- goodheads.io
- rebuildinglaravel.com
- devdojo.com
- laracademy.co
- eloquentbyexample.com
- customlaravel.com
- multitenantlaravel.com
- Justlaravel
Tools I have Found Useful For Quick Saas Apps ( RAD )
- Sending Template Emails through Mandrill in Laravel
- JWT Auth for Laravel and Lumen - Makes Auth for Microservices and API a breeeze
- Laravel Crawler Detect - Laravel 5 Wrapper for the Crawler Detect PHP Library
- Teamwork
- Laravel Tagging
- Laravel Commentable 1
- Laravel Commentable 2
- Laravel Likeable
- Laravel Messageable
- Laravel Friendable
- Laravel Voteable
- Laravel Friendships
- Laravel Moderation
- Laravel ecommerce
- Entrust - A succinct and flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel 5.
- Laravel Phone - Phone number validation Package for Laravel 4 and 5
- Elasticquent - Makes working with ElasticSearch and Eloquent Models easy
- ElasticCat - Map Elastic Search Results to Eloquent Models
- Laravel Smart Search
- Laravel Doctrine - Drop Doctrine Support into your Laravel Apps
- Importing and Exporting Excel and CSV files for Laravel
- Laravel 5 package that makes using popular video service - Vimeo painless
- Laravel 5 package that makes OAuth authentication against several providers dead simple
- Laravel Socialite
- Beautymail - Send Beautiful mails in Laravel 5
- Unique Obsfucated IDs for your Laravel Applications
- A collection of providers for Laravel Socialite
- Cache your Entire Response to Speed Up your Laravel App
- Introducing Laravel Password v1.0
- Multi-library Chart Package to create interactive charts using Laravel
- A Sequel Pro bundle to generate Laravel migration files from existing tables.
- Laravel Followers
- Laravel Queue Clear
- PostrgeSQL Full Text Search Engine for Laravel Scout
- Laravel Referer
- Laravel Impersonate
- LaraCSV - A Laravel package to easily generate CSV files from Eloquent model
- Limit access to your Laravel applications by using invite codes
Specific Resource
- Get going with Laravel on Docker
- Developing Laravel applications with Docker
- Adding custom profile fields to Laravel Spark
- Generate Fake Localized Data with Laravel
- Solving the search problem with laravel and tntsearch
- Building Real-time Laravel Apps with Pusher
- Fix HTTP Error 413 Request Entity too Large Problem
- Learn about the new ACL features in Laravel
- Adding OAuth to a Laravel Application
- How To Set Up Your Mac Local PHP Development
- Creating Packages in Laravel
- Creating Your First Laravel 5 Package
- Creating a Laravel 5 Package - 5 part Tutorial Series
- Mac Yosemite Dev Machine Setup
- Complete Laravel Socialite Tutorial
- Github Authentication For Login With Laravel Socialite
- Export Data from Eloquent to CSV
- Custom Error Pages For Laravel 4
- Custom Error Pages For Laravel 5
- How to create custom error page with example
- Get Up and Running With Laravel 5 and Docker
- Video Tut - Get Up and Running With Laravel 5 and Docker
- Up and Running with Laravel on Heroku
- Deploying a Laravel application to Heroku
- Setting Up a Password Reminder Service in Laravel
- Good Introduction to Implementing Twitter Following Model in your Application
- Test Driven Laravel From Scratch
- Creating a Password less login system in Laravel
- Laravel Large File Uploads Middleware
- 10 less known but awesome laravel collection methods
- Email Verification With Laravel
- How to add tagging to your Laravel App
- The Magic behind Laravel Valet
- Introduction to Laravel Valet
- Writing Advanced Eloquent Search Query Filters
- Sharing data between views using Laravel view composers
- A Package to manage events on google calendar
- Why you shouldn't set global variables in base controller
- Avoiding the burden of file uploads
- Simple Vue.js pagination with Laravel
- Authentication Improvements in Laravel 5.3
- Laravel/MySQL JSON documents faster lookup using generated columns
- Implementing smart search with Laravel and typeaheadjs
- Setting up multi-auth in Laravel 5.2
- Deep Dive into Laravel Echo
- 5.3 feature announcements from Laracon
- Creating your first Laravel app and adding authentication
- Building a single page app from scratch with vuejs and Laravel
- Tracking if a user is online in Laravel
- Understanding the Laravel service Container
- Scaling Laravel using AWS Elastic Beanstalk Part 1: Setting up Laravel
- Scaling Laravel using AWS Elastic Beanstalk Part 2: Setting up VPC, RDS, Elasticache
- Scaling Laravel using AWS Elastic Beanstalk Part 3: Setting up Elastic Beanstalk
- Parsing Yaml Files in Laravel 5
- How to: Soft Deleting and Restoring in Laravel
- Crud Operations using Jquery, Ajax Laravel 5.3
- Throttle Password Reset
- Higher Order Messaging Implementation feature
- Laravel Spark Tests Code - All Spark Integration Tests
- 2FA in Laravel with Google Authenticator
- Multi-tenant Saas API using Laravel - Setting Up
- Getting Started with Pusher and Laravel Echo
- 10 days of Laravel 5 - Building a Laravel Survey App
- Laravel and AWS
- Laravel 5 Instagram API tutorial
- Testing Laravel Middleware
- Overriding Laravels Helper functions
- How to auto-validate eloquent models on Laravel 5.3
- Introducing Laravel Mix - New in Laravel 5.4
- How to integrate paypal gateway with Laravel 5.4
- Vue 2.0 and Laravel 5.3 Series
- Introducing Laravel Dusk - New in Laravel 5.4
- Integrating Laravel and Flarum
- Understanding the Laravel Macroable trait
- Upload Multiple Files in Laravel 5.4
- Non-breaking, SEO friendly urls in Laravel
- Image Upload and Validation using Laravel and VueJS
- Testing Partial JSON Responses with Laravel
- Laravel 5.4 native User Authentication + Role Authorization
- Laravel Translation via Google Spreadsheet
- Laravel AJAX File Upload with BlueImp JQuery Library
- Step by Step Guide to Building Your First Laravel Application
- Laravel Dusk Series by DevDojo
- Building a User Invitation System with Laravel
- Running Dusk tests on Travis CI and CircleCI
- How to build youtube like app with Laravel and Vuejs
- An Introduction to Laravel Authorization Gates
- Building an Interactive Voice Response System with Laravel and Nexmo
- Rebuild Twitter with Laravel — User and Authentication - Part 1
- Rebuild Twitter with Laravel-Followers - Part 2
- Rebuild Twitter with Laravel — Timeline - Part 3
- Learn how to Improve the performance of your Laravel app with Performant Laravel
Search - Specific Resource
- Learning ElasticSearch With Laravel
- Build Search Functionality with Laravel Scout & VueJs
- 50 Laravel Tricks
- Login With Email Or Username (In One Field)
- Model Default Ordering: Assigning Global Scope
- Autocomplete using Laravel and VueJS
- How make Laravel and ElasticSearch become friends
Machine Learning
- raymondcamden.com
- mcgivery.com
- joshmorony.com
- gajotres.net
- devdactic.com
- blog.nraboy.com
- gonehybrid.com
- Mastering the Ionic Framework
Specific Resource
- Ionic Adventures
- 170+ Ionic Framework Resources
- Ionic SocketIO Chat Application Tutorial
- Create a File Browser Using Ionic Framework
- The Definitive Ionic Starter Guide
- Building Real-Time, Multi-Platform Mobile Applications Using Ionic and Firebase
- Build a Real Time Hybrid App with Ionic and Firebase
- Using Local Notifications in Your Ionic Framework App
- How to handle User Authentication With AngularJs in your Ionic App
- Ultimate angularjs and Ionic Performance Cheat Sheet
- Awesome Ionic
Specific Resource
- Getting Started with File Storage with Firebase
- Firebase: Building a realtime App
- Firebase Database for SQL Developers Series
- Creating a Web App from Scratch Using Firebase and AngularJS
- Firebase Android Codelab
Successful Developer Strategies
- Successful Developer Career Strategies
- Advice for Aspiring Programmers
- Software Developer Resume Anti Patterns
- What are the things required to become a hardcore programmer?
- Finding time to become a better developer
- One way to greatness: Pick Yourself
- The Software Developer's Library: A treasure trive of books for people who love code
- Learn to code, 13 tips that could save you years of effort
- Getting to 10x Results. What any developer can learn from the best!
- How to become a better developer by coding less
- How to think like a Programmer
- How to write a great resume for software engineers
Developer Inspiring Stories
Specific Resource
Scrum / Development Workflow
- Level up your development workflow with Github and Pivotal Tracker
- Building your own Development Environment
Specific Resource
- The basics of Scrum
- Scrum Fundamentals
- Definition of Ready
- Definition of Done
- Scrum Team
- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Product Backlog
- Sprint
- Sprint burndown Chart
- Sprint Planning
- Sprint backlog
- Sprint review
- Scrum Management
- Agile Defense
- Velocity
- Product Backlog Refinement
- Potentially Shippable product
- Product Backlog Items
- Well Formed Stories
Specific Resource
- Visual way to learn Git Branching
- Getting Solid at git rebase and merge
- Merge or Rebase - SourceTree
- Git Subsplit - Splitting out a directory to its own Git Repository
Specific Resource
Open Source
- Up for Grabs : Open Source Projects that require contribution
- How to be an Open Source Gardener
- How talks affect an Open Source Project
- Contributing to your first open source project: A Practical approach
- List Of Public JSON APIs
- 99 [Pr]-oblems: A beginners guide to open source
- Opensource Guide
Design Patterns
Better Programming, Better development teams, Better Product
- Giving Better Code Reviews
- How to write a Great Error message
- Strategies for Organizing Code
- Designing great API docs
- Why every element of SOLID is wrong
- What makes a Senior Software Engineer
- Learning how to learn - The most important developer skill
- How the Web works - A primer for newcomers to web development or anyone really
- Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017
Nice & Terrific Hacks
Community Building
Interview Preparation for Developers
Progressive Web Apps
- Progressive Web apps with React - Part 1
- Progressive Web apps with React - Part 2
- Progressive Web apps with React - Part 3
- Progressive Web apps with React - Part 4
- How to set up a basic Service Worker(With Caching)
- Offline first with Service Worker - Part 1
- Instant Loading with IndexedDB - Part 2
- Push Notifications on the Web - Part 3
- Send messages when you are back online with service workers and background sync
- Getting started with the web share API
- Progressive Web App libraries in Production
- Introducing Redux Offline-first Architecture for Progressive Web Applications & React
- Rethinking Offline First sync for Service Workers
- Offline first for everyday developers quickly
- Twitter lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale
- Offline Sync for Progressive Web Apps
- Offline first Podcasts
- Build your first progressive web app with React
- Progressive Web Apps Training Course by Google
- A definitive guide to Form based website authentication
- Elaborate Security Guide For Developers
- Cross Site Request Forgery is dead
- Preventing cross site attacks using same site cookies
Frontend Development
Chrome Dev Tools
- How to build a realtime chart using Laravel and Pusher
- How to update a user’s status in realtime in JavaScript
- How to build a collaborative note app using Laravel
- How to build a collaborative text editor with JavaScript
Stories From The Trenches
Conference Talks
- JavaScript is a Buffet, not the enemy - Chris Heilmann
- Everything is a plugin! Mastering webpack from the inside out - Sean Larkin
Remote Work
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Thanks! Prosper Otemuyiwa.
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for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].