alikinvv / Stepper
Licence: mit
Animated numeric stepper component which can be used to increment or decrement a value by clicking arrows.
Stars: ✭ 351
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React Use Wizard
🧙 A React wizard (stepper) builder without the hassle, powered by hooks.
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Mutual labels: stepper
Step up your app with material steppers.
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Low Cost DIY Laser XY Scanner, Cutter, or Engraver
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Steppers - Material Design Components for Android
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ProcessLoadingView is a step indicator loading animation built using CABasicAnimation
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Mutual labels: stepper
A super simple react-native implementation of the UIStepper control from iOS.
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Mutual labels: stepper
Node Module to control Adafruits MotorHAT for the RaspberryPi
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Mutual labels: stepper
A stepper control with flexible UI and tailored UX.
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Mutual labels: stepper
Software and drivers for the Pololu Tic Stepper Motor Controller.
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Mutual labels: stepper
React Native Input Spinner
An extensible input number spinner component for react-native highly customizable. This component enhance a text input for entering numeric values, with increase and decrease buttons.
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Mutual labels: stepper
Step indicator for onboarding or simple viewpager
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Mutual labels: stepper
🏆 The most expected has arrived, a package for Angular that facilitates us to improve the experience of our users when guiding them in our interface
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Mutual labels: stepper
Stepper motor control library for Arduino supporting in motion changes
Stars: ✭ 41 (-88.32%)
Mutual labels: stepper
Animated numeric stepper component which can be used to increment or decrement a value by clicking arrows.
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