All Projects → Kafka Go → Similar Projects or Alternatives

496 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Kafka Go

Hivemq Mqtt Tensorflow Kafka Realtime Iot Machine Learning Training Inference
Real Time Big Data / IoT Machine Learning (Model Training and Inference) with HiveMQ (MQTT), TensorFlow IO and Apache Kafka - no additional data store like S3, HDFS or Spark required
Stars: ✭ 204 (-95.14%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Go Kafka Example
Golang Kafka consumer and producer example
Stars: ✭ 108 (-97.43%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Springboot Labs
一个涵盖六个专栏:Spring Boot 2.X、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Dubbo、分布式消息队列、分布式事务的仓库。希望胖友小手一抖,右上角来个 Star,感恩 1024
Stars: ✭ 12,804 (+204.86%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Java Library Examples
💪 example of common used libraries and frameworks, programming required, don't fork man.
Stars: ✭ 204 (-95.14%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Flink Learning
flink learning blog. 含 Flink 入门、概念、原理、实战、性能调优、源码解析等内容。涉及 Flink Connector、Metrics、Library、DataStream API、Table API & SQL 等内容的学习案例,还有 Flink 落地应用的大型项目案例(PVUV、日志存储、百亿数据实时去重、监控告警)分享。欢迎大家支持我的专栏《大数据实时计算引擎 Flink 实战与性能优化》
Stars: ✭ 11,378 (+170.9%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Seldon Server
Machine Learning Platform and Recommendation Engine built on Kubernetes
Stars: ✭ 1,435 (-65.83%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Manage your topic's configuration (partitions, replication factor, parameters), ACLs, quotas, and get stats, without any effort with this library. It does not use the Kafka scripts and does not require ssh connection to the remote broker.
Stars: ✭ 109 (-97.4%)
Mutual labels:  kafka-client
Sync data from the other DB to ClickHouse(cluster)
Stars: ✭ 200 (-95.24%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Syslog Ng
syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, queueing, SQL & NoSQL.
Stars: ✭ 1,555 (-62.98%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Istio Micro
istio 微服务示例代码 grpc+protobuf+echo+websocket+mysql+redis+kafka+docker-compose
Stars: ✭ 194 (-95.38%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Bigdata Notebook
Stars: ✭ 100 (-97.62%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Monorepo housing Segment's analytics.js integrations
Stars: ✭ 107 (-97.45%)
Mutual labels:  segment
Dumps state of Storm Kafka consumers
Stars: ✭ 99 (-97.64%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
C# 开发辅助类库,和士官长一样身经百战且越战越勇的战争机器,能力无人能出其右。
Stars: ✭ 190 (-95.48%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Visualizer
A web client for visualizing your Apache Kafka topics live.
Stars: ✭ 98 (-97.67%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
A client UI to inspect Kafka topics, consume, produce and much more
Stars: ✭ 53 (-98.74%)
Mutual labels:  consumer
Scalable stream processing platform for advanced realtime analytics on top of Kafka and Spark. LogIsland also supports MQTT and Kafka Streams (Flink being in the roadmap). The platform does complex event processing and is suitable for time series analysis. A large set of valuable ready to use processors, data sources and sinks are available.
Stars: ✭ 97 (-97.69%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Web UI
Stars: ✭ 3,158 (-24.81%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
kafka-connect-s3 : Ingest data from Kafka to Object Stores(s3)
Stars: ✭ 96 (-97.71%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Implementing a Web Based solution through which farmers can participate in a commodity exchange market
Stars: ✭ 21 (-99.5%)
Mutual labels:  consumer
Stars: ✭ 92 (-97.81%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Back End Interview
Stars: ✭ 188 (-95.52%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
A resilient Ethereum event listener that bridges your smart contract events and backend microservices
Stars: ✭ 272 (-93.52%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Example end to end data engineering project.
Stars: ✭ 82 (-98.05%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
mq transaction, tcc, eventually consistency. tx life cycle: all listeners handled, if necessary, produce next message
Stars: ✭ 187 (-95.55%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kaufmann ex
Kafka backed service library.
Stars: ✭ 86 (-97.95%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
An opinionated Elixir wrapper around brod, the Erlang Kafka client, that supports encrypted connections to Heroku Kafka out of the box.
Stars: ✭ 106 (-97.48%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Study
Stars: ✭ 84 (-98%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Delivery boy
A simple way to publish messages to Kafka from Ruby applications
Stars: ✭ 185 (-95.6%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Android SDK for Wootric Survey Platform supporting NPS, CSAT and CES surveys
Stars: ✭ 15 (-99.64%)
Mutual labels:  segment
Strimzi Kafka Operator
Apache Kafka running on Kubernetes
Stars: ✭ 2,833 (-32.55%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Superman是什么:构建Java 高级开发技术的知识体系,从基础不断打怪升级成为超人之路(更新中.......)
Stars: ✭ 106 (-97.48%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Mirror of Linkedin's Camus
Stars: ✭ 81 (-98.07%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Openmessaging Benchmark
OpenMessaging Benchmark Framework
Stars: ✭ 184 (-95.62%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Connect Protobuf Converter
Protobuf converter plugin for Kafka Connect
Stars: ✭ 79 (-98.12%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Influxdb
High performance Kafka consumer for InfluxDB. Supports collectd message formats.
Stars: ✭ 206 (-95.1%)
Mutual labels:  consumer
Scalatest Embedded Kafka
A library that provides an in-memory Kafka instance to run your tests against.
Stars: ✭ 292 (-93.05%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
This is a Platform that collects all the data accuring in your Application and shows the data in real time by using Kibana or other tools.
Stars: ✭ 106 (-97.48%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
CodeIgniter 3 Daemon Queue Worker (Consumer) Management Controller
Stars: ✭ 67 (-98.4%)
Mutual labels:  consumer
Swipeable SegmentedControl component for React Native apps
Stars: ✭ 21 (-99.5%)
Mutual labels:  segment
♒︎ [WIP] An experimental ~distributed~ commit-log
Stars: ✭ 200 (-95.24%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka 한국 사용자 모임에서 운영하는 meetup repository
Stars: ✭ 106 (-97.48%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Drain log template miner in Python3
Stars: ✭ 71 (-98.31%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
💥 🚀 封装sparkstreaming动态调节batch time(有数据就执行计算);🚀 支持运行过程中增删topic;🚀 封装sparkstreaming 1.6 - kafka 010 用以支持 SSL。
Stars: ✭ 179 (-95.74%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
This is a NodeJS/Angular 2 frontend UI for Kafka cluster monitoring with Burrow
Stars: ✭ 69 (-98.36%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Event Sourcing Castanha
An Event Sourcing service template with DDD, TDD and SOLID. It has High Cohesion and Loose Coupling, it's a good start for your next Microservice application.
Stars: ✭ 68 (-98.38%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
Stars: ✭ 10,526 (+150.62%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Ansible Kafka
Ansible Kafka role
Stars: ✭ 64 (-98.48%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Book
Stars: ✭ 175 (-95.83%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Springwolf Core
Automated documentation for async APIs built with Spring Boot
Stars: ✭ 63 (-98.5%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
A solution to help you build automation and gitops in your Apache Kafka deployments. The Kafka gitops!
Stars: ✭ 104 (-97.52%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Schema Registry
A CLI and Go client for Kafka Schema Registry
Stars: ✭ 105 (-97.5%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Spring Boot Example
Spring Boot application showing basic configuration to work with Kafka
Stars: ✭ 105 (-97.5%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Stars: ✭ 198 (-95.29%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Spring Boot 2.x Examples
Spring Boot 2.x code examples
Stars: ✭ 104 (-97.52%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Command Dispatcher, Processor, and Distributed Task Queue
Stars: ✭ 1,393 (-66.83%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
amazonriver 是一个将postgresql的实时数据同步到es或kafka的服务
Stars: ✭ 198 (-95.29%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Java生态研究(Spring Boot + Redis + Dubbo + RocketMQ + Elasticsearch)🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Stars: ✭ 1,389 (-66.93%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Spark Kafka Writer
Write your Spark data to Kafka seamlessly
Stars: ✭ 175 (-95.83%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
Kafka Webview
Full-featured web-based Apache Kafka consumer UI
Stars: ✭ 319 (-92.4%)
Mutual labels:  kafka
241-300 of 496 similar projects