All Projects → Pytorch Nlp → Similar Projects or Alternatives

1589 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Pytorch Nlp

A Library to parse natural language in pure Clojure and ClojureScript
Stars: ✭ 152 (-92.38%)
Scientific Paper Summarisation
Machine learning models to automatically summarise scientific papers
Stars: ✭ 145 (-92.74%)
Repository for paper "SWAG: A Large-Scale Adversarial Dataset for Grounded Commonsense Inference"
Stars: ✭ 156 (-92.18%)
Awesome Nlp Resources
This repository contains landmark research papers in Natural Language Processing that came out in this century.
Stars: ✭ 145 (-92.74%)
Sourced Ce
source{d} Community Edition (CE)
Stars: ✭ 153 (-92.33%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Stars: ✭ 145 (-92.74%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Awesome Pytorch List
A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on github,such as different models,implementations,helper libraries,tutorials etc.
Stars: ✭ 12,475 (+525%)
Dstc7 End To End Conversation Modeling
Grounded conversational dataset for end-to-end conversational AI (official DSTC7 data)
Stars: ✭ 141 (-92.94%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Crf Layer On The Top Of Bilstm
The CRF Layer was implemented by using Chainer 2.0. Please see more details here:
Stars: ✭ 148 (-92.59%)
Monkeylearn Python
Official Python client for the MonkeyLearn API. Build and consume machine learning models for language processing from your Python apps.
Stars: ✭ 143 (-92.84%)
Opbeat Node
DEPRECATED - See Elastic APM instead:
Stars: ✭ 155 (-92.23%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
This repo includes introduction, code and dataset of our paper Deep Sequence Learning with Auxiliary Information for Traffic Prediction (KDD 2018).
Stars: ✭ 143 (-92.84%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Finnlp Progress
NLP progress in Fintech. A repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP) related to the domain of Finance, including the datasets, papers, and current state-of-the-art results for the most popular tasks.
Stars: ✭ 148 (-92.59%)
Tod Bert
Pre-Trained Models for ToD-BERT
Stars: ✭ 143 (-92.84%)
Omr Datasets
Collection of datasets used for Optical Music Recognition
Stars: ✭ 158 (-92.08%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
中文语言理解测评基准 Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models, corpus and leaderboard
Stars: ✭ 2,425 (+21.49%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Embedding As Service
One-Stop Solution to encode sentence to fixed length vectors from various embedding techniques
Stars: ✭ 151 (-92.43%)
Mutual labels:  embeddings
Lacmus is a cross-platform application that helps to find people who are lost in the forest using computer vision and neural networks.
Stars: ✭ 142 (-92.89%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Digital Elevation model library in C#. 3D terrain models, line/point Elevations, intervisibility reports
Stars: ✭ 153 (-92.33%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Netcdf Fortran
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-Fortran libraries, which depend on the netCDF C library. Install the netCDF C library first.
Stars: ✭ 141 (-92.94%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Minecraft Prometheus Exporter
A Bukkit plugin which exports minecraft server stats to Prometheus
Stars: ✭ 150 (-92.48%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Prom Client
Prometheus client for node.js
Stars: ✭ 2,062 (+3.31%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Visdial Rl
PyTorch code for Learning Cooperative Visual Dialog Agents using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Stars: ✭ 157 (-92.13%)
Prometheus Sql
Service that exposes Prometheus metrics for a SQL result set.
Stars: ✭ 140 (-92.99%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Paper Survey
📚Survey of previous research and related works on machine learning (especially Deep Learning) in Japanese
Stars: ✭ 140 (-92.99%)
Data augmentation for NLP
Stars: ✭ 2,761 (+38.33%)
Isic Archive Downloader
A script to download the ISIC Archive of lesion images
Stars: ✭ 153 (-92.33%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Music Dance Video Synthesis
(ACM MM 20 Oral) PyTorch implementation of Self-supervised Dance Video Synthesis Conditioned on Music
Stars: ✭ 150 (-92.48%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Kafka Monitor
Xinfra Monitor monitors the availability of Kafka clusters by producing synthetic workloads using end-to-end pipelines to obtain derived vital statistics - E2E latency, service produce/consume availability, offsets commit availability & latency, message loss rate and more.
Stars: ✭ 1,817 (-8.97%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Practical Machine Learning With Python
Master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system.
Stars: ✭ 1,868 (-6.41%)
Financial News Dataset
Reuters and Bloomberg
Stars: ✭ 147 (-92.64%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Lexpredict Contraxsuite
LexPredict ContraxSuite
Stars: ✭ 140 (-92.99%)
Learn To Select Data
Code for Learning to select data for transfer learning with Bayesian Optimization
Stars: ✭ 140 (-92.99%)
Mishkal is an arabic text vocalization software
Stars: ✭ 158 (-92.08%)
NPOI Extensions, excel/csv importer/exporter for IEnumerable<T>/DataTable, fluentapi(great flexibility)/attribute configuration
Stars: ✭ 157 (-92.13%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Rt gene
RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze and Blink Estimation in Natural Environments
Stars: ✭ 157 (-92.13%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Deeplearning nlp
Stars: ✭ 154 (-92.28%)
A natural language date parser in Swift (ported from chrono.js)
Stars: ✭ 148 (-92.59%)
Scouter is an open source APM (Application Performance Management) tool.
Stars: ✭ 1,792 (-10.22%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Stars: ✭ 139 (-93.04%)
Bull exporter
Prometheus exporter for Bull metrics
Stars: ✭ 149 (-92.54%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Ml Datasets
Machine Learning datasets for Nepal
Stars: ✭ 139 (-93.04%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Official project website for the CVPR 2020 paper (Oral Presentation) "Cascaded Deep Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation With Evolutionary Training Data"
Stars: ✭ 154 (-92.28%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Lapa Dataset
A large-scale dataset for face parsing (AAAI2020)
Stars: ✭ 149 (-92.54%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Elasticsearch plugin for nearest neighbor search. Store vectors and run similarity search using exact and approximate algorithms.
Stars: ✭ 139 (-93.04%)
Mutual labels:  embeddings
Gossiping Chinese Corpus
PTT 八卦版問答中文語料
Stars: ✭ 137 (-93.14%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Dialogflow Ruby Client
Ruby SDK for Dialogflow
Stars: ✭ 148 (-92.59%)
Kaggle Crowdflower
1st Place Solution for CrowdFlower Product Search Results Relevance Competition on Kaggle.
Stars: ✭ 1,708 (-14.43%)
Keras Vgg16 Places365
Keras code and weights files for the VGG16-places365 and VGG16-hybrid1365 CNNs for scene classification
Stars: ✭ 138 (-93.09%)
Mutual labels:  embeddings
Holiday Cn
📅🇨🇳 中国法定节假日数据 自动每日抓取国务院公告
Stars: ✭ 157 (-92.13%)
Pytorch Question Answering
Important paper implementations for Question Answering using PyTorch
Stars: ✭ 154 (-92.28%)
Cantonese Linguistics and NLP in Python
Stars: ✭ 147 (-92.64%)
🌶 Create lightweight descriptions of your datasets
Stars: ✭ 137 (-93.14%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Kubernetes cluster autoscaler with pluggable metrics backends and scaling engines
Stars: ✭ 138 (-93.09%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
Japanese negative positive classification.日本語文書のネガポジを判定。
Stars: ✭ 148 (-92.59%)
Web Vitals Module
Web Vitals: Essential module for a healthy Nuxt.js
Stars: ✭ 138 (-93.09%)
Mutual labels:  metrics
🎁 3,000,000+ Unsplash images made available for research and machine learning
Stars: ✭ 1,805 (-9.57%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
Natural Language Processing Specialization
This repo contains my coursework, assignments, and Slides for Natural Language Processing Specialization by on Coursera
Stars: ✭ 151 (-92.43%)
Tree Transformer
Implementation of the paper Tree Transformer
Stars: ✭ 148 (-92.59%)
Numbers concerning COVID-19 disease cases in The Netherlands by RIVM, LCPS, NICE, ECML, and Rijksoverheid.
Stars: ✭ 135 (-93.24%)
Mutual labels:  dataset
61-120 of 1589 similar projects