All Projects → Springboard → Similar Projects or Alternatives

1934 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Springboard

Registration Login Spring Xml Maven Jsp Mysql
Registration and Login Example with Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, XML Configuration, Maven, JSP, and MySQL.
Stars: ✭ 134 (+127.12%)
Event Driven Spring Boot
Example Application to demo various flavours of handling domain events in Spring Boot
Stars: ✭ 194 (+228.81%)
Mutual labels:  spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring
Encrypt Body Spring Boot Starter
(停止维护,替代品搜索: )SpringBoot控制器统一的响应体加密与请求体解密的注解处理方式,支持MD5/SHA/AES/DES/RSA
Stars: ✭ 198 (+235.59%)
Mutual labels:  spring, spring-mvc, spring-security
springboot2.2、spring-data-jpa、iView4、Vue2 、代码生成器、shiro权限管理、前后端分离、java后台管理系统快速开发框架,通过该框架可以在分钟级别内完成单表的前后端增删改查功能。脚手架工程: ,基于这个工程可以直接开发
Stars: ✭ 270 (+357.63%)
Mutual labels:  spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, maven
Registration Login Spring Hsql
Registration and Login Example with Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, HSQL, JSP
Stars: ✭ 208 (+252.54%)
Spring Ws
Spring WS Tutorials
Stars: ✭ 75 (+27.12%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, maven
Mybatis Spring Boot Jpetstore
A sample web application built on MyBatis 3, Spring Boot and Thymeleaf 3.
Stars: ✭ 75 (+27.12%)
Okta Blog Archive
Okta Developer Blog
Stars: ✭ 74 (+25.42%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, maven
Cli Spring Boot Scaffold
command line for generate crud and configs for spring boot projects
Stars: ✭ 113 (+91.53%)
QuickPerf is a testing library for Java to quickly evaluate and improve some performance-related properties
Stars: ✭ 231 (+291.53%)
Mutual labels:  spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring
Spring Boot Examples
about learning Spring Boot via examples. Spring Boot 教程、技术栈示例代码,快速简单上手教程。
Stars: ✭ 26,812 (+45344.07%)
Mutual labels:  spring-data-jpa, spring-boot, spring
Spring Security React Ant Design Polls App
Full Stack Polls App built using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, React, and Ant Design
Stars: ✭ 1,336 (+2164.41%)
Awbeci Ssb
spring spring-boot spring-security spring-social
Stars: ✭ 102 (+72.88%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-security
Spring Boot Mysql Rest Api Tutorial
Building a Restful CRUD API using Spring Boot, Mysql, JPA and Hibernate
Stars: ✭ 279 (+372.88%)
Mutual labels:  spring-data-jpa, spring, spring-mvc
Spring Web Rss Channels
A Full Stack RSS Reader web application built with Spring MVC and JSP. It uses libraries like Spring, JPA, Bootstrap, Apache Tiles, JSP etc. There is also a static code analysis tool called Checkstyle.
Stars: ✭ 40 (-32.2%)
Mutual labels:  spring, maven, spring-security
mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。
Stars: ✭ 54,797 (+92776.27%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-security
Hsweb Payment
Stars: ✭ 112 (+89.83%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, maven
Spring Webflux template application with working Spring Security, Web-sockets, Rest, Web MVC, and Authentication with JWT.
Stars: ✭ 107 (+81.36%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-security
Spring extend componets which build from experience of bussiness, let developers to develop with Spring Boot as fast as possible.(基于Spring生态打造的一系列来自业务上的快速开发模块集合。)
Stars: ✭ 117 (+98.31%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-security
Spring Cloud Microservices Development
Spring Cloud Microservices Development.《Spring Cloud 微服务架构开发实战》
Stars: ✭ 106 (+79.66%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
基于Spring Boot实现的一个简易的Java社区
Stars: ✭ 755 (+1179.66%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
Model Driven REST framework to automatically generate CRUD APIs
Stars: ✭ 138 (+133.9%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
Spring Backend Boilerplate
The modularized backend boilerplate based on Spring Boot Framework, easy to get started and add your business part.
Stars: ✭ 134 (+127.12%)
Cas Security Spring Boot Starter
Spring boot starter for Apereo CAS client fully integrated with Spring security
Stars: ✭ 129 (+118.64%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-security
My first web application using Spring Boot framework.
Stars: ✭ 66 (+11.86%)
This is an online shopping project using Spring Boot,Spring web-flow, Spring Rest Services and Hibernate. In this project we also used Spring Security with java and annotation configuration
Stars: ✭ 34 (-42.37%)
Official, Main: This is Core/Advance java example series project. It help to learn java step by step using pdf tutorial provided here and corresponding demo project for the eclipse. Tag: Java Student, Java Stud, Stud Java, StudJava, Java Teachers, Studs Quick Start Guide, Studs Java, Object Oriented Programming, Core Java, Java SE, Java EE, Java Enterprise Edition, Java Blog, Java Articles, Java Web, JSP, Servlet, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, Spring-boot, Spring MVC Web, Angular JS, Angular 2, Java Security, Java CRUD, Java Login Example, File Handling, Multi threading, exception handling, Collection classes, Swing, Database, Date Time, Joda Time, JPA.
Stars: ✭ 220 (+272.88%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, maven
Spring Boot的例子,包含RESTful API, MVC, JMS, Cache, Mybatis, Cache, Websocket...
Stars: ✭ 215 (+264.41%)
Heart First Javaweb
一个走心的 Java Web 入门开发教程
Stars: ✭ 561 (+850.85%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
Angularjs Springmvc Sample
A RESTful sample using AnguarJS/Bootstrap as frontend and Spring MVC as REST API producer
Stars: ✭ 292 (+394.92%)
Springboot Restful Angular
springBoot,restful,jwt,angular4 搭建的前后端分离后台管理系统
Stars: ✭ 121 (+105.08%)
Spring Boot Demo
Spring Boot & Spring Cloud & Spring Security Demo Case(Spring学习示例实战项目)
Stars: ✭ 255 (+332.2%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
Spring MVC - Apache Tile - AdminLTE Bootstrap template - Sample Application
Stars: ✭ 33 (-44.07%)
Jwt Spring Security Demo
This is a demo for using JWT (JSON Web Token) with Spring Security and Spring Boot. I completely rewrote my first version. Now this solution is based on the code base from the JHipster Project. I tried to extract the minimal configuration and classes that are needed for JWT-Authentication and did some changes.
Stars: ✭ 2,843 (+4718.64%)
JournalDev Projects
Stars: ✭ 897 (+1420.34%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
《Servlet & JSP 技術手冊 - 從 Servlet 到 Spring Boot》相關資源
Stars: ✭ 25 (-57.63%)
Mutual labels:  spring, spring-mvc, spring-security
Spring Boot File Upload Download Rest Api Example
Spring Boot File Upload / Download Rest API Example
Stars: ✭ 300 (+408.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
rabbitmq、redis、scheduled、socket、mongodb、Swagger2、spring data jpa、Thymeleaf、freemarker etc. (muti module spring boot project) (with spring boot framework,different bussiness scence with different technology。)
Stars: ✭ 845 (+1332.2%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
Spring Boot 2.x examples
Stars: ✭ 33 (-44.07%)
A Simple CRUD API using Spring Boot Application using PostgreSQL Database
Stars: ✭ 20 (-66.1%)
Enterprise project tracker, tracks commits done by employees after getting assigned to a couple of projects by their managers
Stars: ✭ 62 (+5.08%)
Mutual labels:  maven, spring-security, spring-mvc
Stars: ✭ 327 (+454.24%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-mvc
Ssm booksystem
ssm demo,ssm详细教程,SSM简明教程:简单的十步教你搭建人生第一个SSM框架[ SSM框架整合教程(spring+spring mvc+mybatis+redis+maven+idea+bootstrap) ]
Stars: ✭ 355 (+501.69%)
Mutual labels:  spring, spring-mvc, maven
Spring Reactive Sample
Spring 5 Reactive playground
Stars: ✭ 867 (+1369.49%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, spring-security
Ms Backend Boilerplates
Boilerplate for Your Server Side(Backend) Application, Java | Spring(Boot, Cloud) | Node.js(Express, Koa, Egg) | Go | Python | DevOps 💫 服务端项目模板
Stars: ✭ 394 (+567.8%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring, maven
Shopping Management System
Stars: ✭ 4,130 (+6900%)
Mutual labels:  spring, spring-mvc, maven
Cloud Enabled Microservice
Tasks microservice (Spring Boot, MVC, Data, Lombok, Cloud, OAuth2, Config, Eureka, Zuul, Hystrix, Docker)
Stars: ✭ 14 (-76.27%)
Blog Tutorials
⭐️ Codebase for the tutorials on my blog about Java, Spring Boot, AWS, Kotlin and Testing
Stars: ✭ 257 (+335.59%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, maven, spring-security
Stars: ✭ 385 (+552.54%)
Mutual labels:  spring, spring-mvc, maven
Search Spring Boot Starter
Stars: ✭ 23 (-61.02%)
spring cloud最佳实践项目实例,使用了spring cloud全家桶,TCC事务管理,EDA事务最终一致性等技术的下单示例
Stars: ✭ 418 (+608.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, maven
java轻量级的CMS解决方案-天梯。天梯是一个用java相关技术搭建的后台CMS解决方案,用户可以结合自身业务进行相应扩展,同时提供了针对dao、service等的代码生成工具。技术选型:Spring Data JPA、Hibernate、Shiro、 Spring MVC、Layer、Mysql等。
Stars: ✭ 1,053 (+1684.75%)
Mutual labels:  spring-data-jpa, spring-mvc
How do you achieve your career objectives? Complete career paths with amazing Cloud, Full Stack and Microservice Courses and Videos from in28Minutes
Stars: ✭ 447 (+657.63%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
基于Spring Boot/Spring Security/thymeleaf的通用后台管理系统
Stars: ✭ 411 (+596.61%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring-security
🎉🎉🎉JAVA高级架构师技术栈==任何技能通过 “刻意练习” 都可以达到融会贯通的境界,就像烹饪一样,这里有一份JAVA开发技术手册,只需要增加自己练习的次数。🏃🏃🏃
Stars: ✭ 428 (+625.42%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, maven
Disconf Spring Boot Starter
disconf-spring-boot-starter 让你可以使用spring-boot的方式开发依赖disconf的程序 只需要关心disconfi的配置文件和配置项,省略了编写xml的麻烦
Stars: ✭ 44 (-25.42%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Spring Boot Demo
该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Beetl(模板引擎)、Enjoy(模板引擎)、JdbcTemplate(通用JDBC操作数据库)、JPA(强大的ORM框架)、mybatis(强大的ORM框架)、通用Mapper(快速操作Mybatis)、PageHelper(通用的Mybatis分页插件)、mybatis-plus(快速操作Mybatis)、BeetlSQL(强大的ORM框架)、upload(本地文件上传和七牛云文件上传)、redis(缓存)、ehcache(缓存)、ema…
Stars: ✭ 24,265 (+41027.12%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Jeecg Boot
「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis-plus,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。
Stars: ✭ 26,432 (+44700%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Spring Boot Angular5
This repository has a sample code base for spring boot and angular 5 integration.
Stars: ✭ 49 (-16.95%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot, spring
Java Sourcecode Blogs
Java源码分析 【源码笔记】专注于Java后端系列框架的源码分析,每周持续推出Java后端系列框架的源码分析文章。
Stars: ✭ 448 (+659.32%)
Mutual labels:  spring, spring-mvc
61-120 of 1934 similar projects