Top 392 maven open source projects

Spring Framework Petclinic
A Spring Framework application based on JSP, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate and JDBC
线上购物平台开发 - Java-SSM-电商
✭ 251
Maven Plugins
[deprecated] Mirror of Apache Maven plugins
✭ 242
Javaweb Project Source Share
Docker Maven Plugin
INACTIVE: A maven plugin for Docker
Lightweight repository management software dedicated for the Maven based artifacts (formerly NanoMaven) 📦
Spring Dubbo Service
微服务 spring dubbo项目:dubbo rpc;druid数据源连接池;mybatis配置集成,多数据源;jmx监控MBean;定时任务;aop;ftp;测试;Metrics监控;参数验证;跨域处理;shiro权限控制;consul服务注册,发现;redis分布式锁;SPI服务机制;cat监控;netty服务代理;websocket;disconf;mongodb集成;rest;docker;fescar
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) engine focused on covering the OWASP Top 10, to make source code analysis to find vulnerabilities right in the source code, focused on a agile and easy to implement software inside your DevOps pipeline. Support the following technologies: Java (Maven and Android), Kotlin (Android), Swift (iOS), .NET Full Framework, C#, and Javascript (Node.js).
Official, Main: This is Core/Advance java example series project. It help to learn java step by step using pdf tutorial provided here and corresponding demo project for the eclipse. Tag: Java Student, Java Stud, Stud Java, StudJava, Java Teachers, Studs Quick Start Guide, Studs Java, Object Oriented Programming, Core Java, Java SE, Java EE, Java Enterprise Edition, Java Blog, Java Articles, Java Web, JSP, Servlet, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, Spring-boot, Spring MVC Web, Angular JS, Angular 2, Java Security, Java CRUD, Java Login Example, File Handling, Multi threading, exception handling, Collection classes, Swing, Database, Date Time, Joda Time, JPA.
Dockerfile Maven
MATURE: A set of Maven tools for dealing with Dockerfiles
Successor of the deprecated Fabric8 Maven Plugin
Java library to create bots using Telegram Bots API
Appengine Maven Repository
Free Private Maven repositories hosted on Google App-Engine, backed by Google Cloud Storage and deployed in less than 5 minutes.
Versions Maven Plugin
Versions Maven Plugin
Dhis2 Core
DHIS2 Core. Written in Java. Contains the service layer and Web API.
Rebuild multiple complete module structures within the module.
Maven plugin that helps the user sort pom.xml.
Seconds Kill
基于 Springboot + Redis + Kafka 的秒杀系统,乐观锁 + 缓存 + 限流 + 异步,TPS 从 500 优化到 3000
Myuploader Backend
Maven Git Versioning Extension
This extension will virtually set project versions, based on current git branch or tag.
Maven Color
A colorized Maven console
🚀⚡ Kotlin SharedPreferences wrapper & cryptographic preferences android library.
Slack Webhook
Slack WebHook Integration for Java
Documentation and issues of
Rules jvm external
Bazel rules to resolve, fetch and export Maven artifacts
✭ 167
My Blog
🌴A simple & beautiful blogging system implemented with spring-boot & thymeleaf & mybatis My Blog 是由 SpringBoot + Mybatis + Thymeleaf 等技术实现的 Java 博客系统,页面美观、功能齐全、部署简单及完善的代码,一定会给使用者无与伦比的体验
An easy-to-use, event-driven, asynchronous network application framework compiled with Java 11.
Gatling Maven Plugin Demo
Showcase of the Gatling Plugin for Maven
A blog power by spring-boot and vue
Sample Projects
Sample project files for JavaCPP, JavaCPP Presets, and JavaCV
Point out your outdated dependencies.
Burp Retire Js
Burp/ZAP/Maven extension that integrate Retire.js repository to find vulnerable Javascript libraries.
Web Budget
Sistema web para controle financeiro pessoal ou de pequenas empresas
Javacpp Presets
The missing Java distribution of native C++ libraries
Source code for the tutorials published on the Javadevjournal site.
Browser test automation using Selenium WebDriver in Java
Vertx Maven Starter
Maven project template for Vert.x
现代化java cms,由天津黑核科技有限公司开发,轻松支撑千万数据、千万PV;支持静态化,服务器端包含; 目前已经拥有全球0.0002%的用户,语言支持中、繁、日、英;是一个已走向海外的成熟CMS产品
Almost Famous
🌟 Almost-Famous(成名之路) ——卡牌游戏开源项目,架构使用SpringBoot+Netty+Maven+SpringCloud来搭建多进程分布式框架,包括Cloud、Unique、Login、Game、Match、Battle 等服务。
Spring Boot Quick
🌿 基于springboot的快速学习示例,整合自己遇到的开源框架,如:rabbitmq(延迟队列)、Kafka、jpa、redies、oauth2、swagger、jsp、docker、spring-batch、异常处理、日志输出、多模块开发、多环境打包、缓存cache、爬虫、jwt、GraphQL、dubbo、zookeeper和Async等等📌
Nimrod - 基于 Spring Boot 构建 的 Java Web 平台企业级单体应用快速开发框架,适合中小型项目的应用和开发。所采用的技术栈包括 Spring Boot、Spring、Spring Web MVC、MyBatis、Thymeleaf 等,遵守阿里巴巴 Java 开发规约,帮助养成良好的编码习惯。整体采用 RBAC ( Role-Based Access Control ,基于角色的访问控制),具有严格的权限控制模块,支持系统与模块分离开发。最后希望这个项目能够对你有所帮助。Nimrod 开发交流群:547252502(QQ 群)
Gradle Maven Plugin
Gradle 5.x Maven Publish Plugin to deploy artifacts
Git Code Format Maven Plugin
A maven plugin that automatically deploys code formatter as a pre-commit git hook
Aem Guides Wknd
Tutorial Code companion for Getting Started Developing with AEM Sites WKND Tutorial
WebDriverManager (Copyright © 2015-2021) is a project created and maintained by Boni Garcia and licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
Spring,SpringBoot 2.0,SpringMVC,Mybatis,mybatis-plus,motan/dubbo分布式,Redis缓存,Shiro权限管理,Spring-Session单点登录,Quartz分布式集群调度,Restful服务,QQ/微信登录,App token登录,微信/支付宝支付;日期转换、数据类型转换、序列化、汉字转拼音、身份证号码验证、数字转人民币、发送短信、发送邮件、加密解密、图片处理、excel导入导出、FTP/SFTP/fastDFS上传下载、二维码、XML读写、高精度计算、系统配置工具类等等。
Kft Activiti Demo
Demo for workflow framework and BPM platform -- Activiti
Jgitver Maven Plugin
maven core extension to automatically define versions using jgitver & git tags
1-60 of 392 maven projects