All Git Users → Jinxiansen

11 open source projects by Jinxiansen

1. Jtoday
This is an extremely brief notification center calendar plugin (Swift).
2. Awesome Server Side Swift
Swift 服务端开发 Perfect、Vapor资料。
3. Jjhud
JJHUD is an displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels .
4. Jhud
A full screen of the HUD when loading the data (Objective-C).
5. Swiftserverside Vapor
🦄 Swift server open source projects based on the Swift 4.1 and Vapor 3 frameworks. (Swift 服务端开源项目)
6. Swiftui
`SwiftUI` Framework Learning and Usage Guide. 🚀
7. Guardian
Service Side Swift:Vapor 3 based API Guardian Middleware. 🦁
8. PythonStore
基于 Python3 的小爬虫。
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10. Translator
Translator 可以帮助你快速的将 .csv 表格内容转为对应国家的 . lproj 文件( App多语言国际化 iOS/macOS 项目)
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1-11 of 11 user projects