TelegrammerTelegram Bot - written with Swift 5.2 / NIO, supports Linux, macOS
SwiftybotHow to create a Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Google Assistant bot with Swift using Vapor on Ubuntu / macOS.
Kvm Install VmBash script to build local virtual machines using KVM/libvirt and cloud-init.
PackerPacker helpers and templates for Docker, IIS, SQL Server and Visual Studio on Windows and Ubuntu
Hstrbash and zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.
DlamiA Deep Learning Amazon Web Service (AWS) AMI that is open, free and works. Run in less than 5 minutes. TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Theano, MXNet, CNTK, Caffe and all dependencies.
I3 Gaps DebTool to create and install Debian (or Ubuntu) packages of i3-gaps.
FluxguiBetter lighting for Linux. Open source GUI for xflux
Iir1IIR realtime filter library written in C++
Termite StyleSimple script to change color-schemes and fonts for Termite.
Deb Simple A lightweight, bare-bones apt repository server
Howdy🛡️ Windows Hello™ style facial authentication for Linux
Windy AfternoonGitbook based Blog, Android, Linux, Deep Learning, Computer Vision
LampInstall LAMP(Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP ) for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
Packer BuildPacker Automated VM Image and Vagrant Box Builds
Seamly2dOpen source patternmaking software.
IfakelocationSimulate locations on iOS devices on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu.
Openvpn InstallOpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
Node DebDebian packaging for Node.js projects
Wsl GuideThe Hitchhiker's Guide to Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!
Imscpi-MSCP Main Repository
AnsipressAnsiPress - Simple L(Linux) E(NGINX) M(MariaDB) P(PHP7) Shared Hosting Setup
UgrubCreate an ultimate multiboot USB flash drive with Grub2 bootloader
LhttpsCreate https for local development environment or localhost.
PsiphonA multi-functional version of a popular network circumvention tool
Linux Kernel Utilities👷 Utilities to compile and / or update linux kernels for Debian and derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu, LinuxMint, etc.)
Aptlyaptly - Debian repository management tool
Ubuntu Skylake I915 Video FixIntel hd HD530/HD520 , skylake (6th generation of intel cpus) video card problems list and solutions/quick fixes for linux.
OreganoSchematic capture and circuit simulator
MyserverMyServer is your own localhost web server. you can setup PHP, Apache, Nginx and MySQL servers on your android devices or linux like Ubuntu etc. MyServer is Developed for android terminal like Termux or GNURoot Debian terminal.
TerribleAn Ansible playbook that apply the principle of the Infrastructure as Code on a QEMU/KVM environment.
Vga PassthroughUp to date (2021) reference for setting up a VGA passthrough on (Ubuntu) Linux.
Tmoe Linux🍭Without any basic knowledge of linux shell,you can easily install and configure a GNU/Linux graphical desktop environment on 📱Android termux and 💻WSL .🍰You can also run VSCode on your android phone.🍹Graphical qemu manager,🐋support running docker on Android.配置WSL和安卓手机的linux容器,桌面环境,主题美化,远程桌面,音频服务,镜像源,uefi开机启动项,webdav(nginx),fcitx输入法以及qemu-system虚拟机...
Apt Smartapt-smart: Smart, automated, robust apt-get mirror selection for Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint
SpotcommanderThe most intuitive and feature-rich remote control for Spotify for Linux
Simplesh🐧 Quick installation for Ubuntu terminal.
Flash ChipReady to use Flash environment for the C.H.I.P Single Board Computer