All Git Users → OCamlPro

20 open source projects by OCamlPro

1. Ocp Indent
Indentation tool for OCaml, to be used from editors like Emacs and Vim.
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2. Liquidity
A high-level language for Dune Network (and Tezos) with OCaml and ReasonML syntaxes, with a decompiler from Michelson
3. Ocaml Cheat Sheets
OCaml Documentations as one-pagers, easy to keep useful commands in mind
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4. Ollvm
An higher-level LLVM binding for OCaml
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6. tryocaml
An interactive tutorial to begin learning with OCaml
7. opam
OPAM is a source-based package manager for OCaml. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow.
8. opam-bin
Binary packages for OPAM with local and remote repositories
9. ocplib-resto
A minimal OCaml library for type-safe HTTP/JSON RPCs
10. tzscan
The TzScan block explorer for Tezos
11. ocp-ocamlres
A simple tool and library to embed files and directories inside an OCaml executables
12. techelson
A test execution engine for Michelson smart contracts.
13. ocp-index
Easy access to the interface information of installed OCaml libraries for editors like Emacs and Vim.
14. ocplib-endian
Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 from strings, bytes and bigarrays, based on primitives added in version 4.01.
15. ezjs
Some useful libraries to work with `js_of_ocaml`
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16. ocpwin-distrib
Knowledge Database for OCamlPro's version of OCaml on Windows
18. ez api
Easily build clients and servers on top of a common REST API, automatically derived from OCaml types.
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19. drom
drom is a wrapper over opam/dune in an attempt to provide a cargo-like user experience. It can be used to create full OCaml projects with sphinx and odoc documentation. It has specific knowledge of Github and will generate files for Github Actions CI and Github pages.
20. wxOCaml
a WxWidgets binding for OCaml
1-20 of 20 user projects