14 open source projects by a8m

1. Mark
A markdown processor written in Go. built for fun.
2. Syncmap
A typed implementation of the Go sync.Map using code generation
3. Rql
Resource Query Language for REST
4. Play
Play something while waiting for your command to finish
✭ 169
5. Kinesis Producer
An aggregated records producer for Amazon Kinesis
✭ 131
6. Agile
Like Underscore, but with zero callbacks and really more fun, v0.0.2
✭ 71
7. Golang Cheat Sheet
An overview of Go syntax and features.
8. Djson
Fast Go decoder for dynamic JSON
9. Pb
Console progress bar for Rust
10. Envsubst
Environment variables substitution for Go
✭ 323
11. Angular Filter
Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS (with no external dependencies!)
12. deep-keys
Creates an array composed of the own enumerable property names(including nested) of an object.
13. reflect-examples
Bunch of examples for dealing with the reflect package
✭ 486
14. ng-translation
Fast, Easy and Dynamic translation for AngularJS
✭ 43
1-14 of 14 user projects