Maps🌍🌏🌎 The whole world fits inside your cloud!
GaltonLightweight Node.js isochrone map server
Go StaticmapsA go (golang) library and command line tool to render static map images using OpenStreetMap tiles.
Phunctional⚡️ λ PHP functional library focused on simplicity and performance
PlanarallyA companion tool for when you travel into the planes.
Rrt explorationA ROS package that implements a multi-robot RRT-based map exploration algorithm. It also has the image-based frontier detection that uses image processing to extract frontier points.
LibdictC library of key-value data structures.
GmapsfxJava API for using Google Maps within a JavaFX application.
CollectableHigh-performance immutable data structures for modern JavaScript and TypeScript applications. Functional interfaces, deep/composite operations API, mixed mutability API, TypeScript definitions, ES2015 module exports.
Ol3echarts🌏 📊 ol3Echarts | a openlayers extension to echarts
TorchdataPyTorch dataset extended with map, cache etc. ( like)
MocsMy Own Car System, a Go & Qt application for your car
HamtImmutable and Memory-Efficient Maps and Sets in Go
Dc SdkDC-SDK 是基于 Cesium 进行二次开发的2、3D一体 WebGis 应用框架,该框架优化了 Cesium 的使用方式和增添了一些额外功能,旨在为开发者快速构建 WebGis 应用。🌎
BrutileBruTile is a .NET library to access tile services like those of OpenStreetMap, MapBox or GeodanMaps.
OpenglobusJavaScript 3d maps and geospatial data visualization engine library.
SyncmapA typed implementation of the Go sync.Map using code generation
Xcsoar... the open-source glide computer
L7🌎 Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization analysis framework which relies on Mapbox GL or AMap to render basemaps.
DroneworlddroneWorld: a 3D world map and a three.js playground
AtlasrAtlasr is a truly open-source and free map browser.
MapsapiКарты 2ГИС — это точные данные обо всех объектах города, включая новостройки, с детализацией до заборов и внутриквартальных проездов.
Awesome Gis😎Awesome GIS is a collection of geospatial related sources, including cartographic tools, geoanalysis tools, developer tools, data, conference & communities, news, massive open online course, some amazing map sites, and more.
MapperA simple and easy go tools for auto mapper map to struct, struct to map, struct to struct, slice to slice, map to slice, map to json.
AphotomanagerManage local photos on Android: gallery, geotag with photomap, privacy, tags, find, sort, view, copy, send, ... .
Django LociReusable Django app for storing geographic and indoor coordinates. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.
DevmapКарта развития веб-разработчика
Mapboxstatic.swiftStatic map snapshots with overlays in Swift or Objective-C on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
LibosmscoutLibosmscout is a C++ library for offline map rendering, routing and location lookup based on OpenStreetMap data
Redux Data StructuresReducer factory functions for common data structures: counters, maps, lists (queues, stacks), sets, etc.
ItiririA library built for ES6 iteration protocol.
TangramWebGL map rendering engine for creative cartography
OpenrailwaymapAn OpenStreetMap-based project for creating a map of the world's railway infrastructure.
React Svg MapA set of React.js components to display an interactive SVG map
VotemapswitzerlandA Swiss version of the famous visualization «Land doesn't vote, people do.»
AirmapviewA view abstraction to provide a map user interface with various underlying map providers
CachegoGolang Cache component - Multiple drivers
Ngx Amapangular 2+ component for AMap (Gaode map)
Mapbox.jsMapbox JavaScript API, a Leaflet Plugin
PapyruscsPapyrusCS renders maps of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition worlds using C#, LevelDB and leaflet.
React MindmapFull featured mind map app which build with react.js. 一个功能完备且有很多创新的思维导图app。