All Git Users → allenai

84 open source projects by allenai

1. Pdffigures2
Given a scholarly PDF, extract figures, tables, captions, and section titles.
✭ 246
2. Dont Stop Pretraining
Code associated with the Don't Stop Pretraining ACL 2020 paper
3. S2orc
S2ORC: The Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus:
✭ 223
4. Allennlp Models
Officially supported AllenNLP models
✭ 217
5. Beaker
A collaborative platform for rapid and reproducible research.
6. Kb
KnowBert -- Knowledge Enhanced Contextual Word Representations
✭ 204
7. Allennlp Demo
Code for the AllenNLP demo.
✭ 155
8. Vampire
Variational Methods for Pretraining in Resource-limited Environments
✭ 153
9. Unifiedqa
UnifiedQA: Crossing Format Boundaries With a Single QA System
✭ 151
10. Citeomatic
A citation recommendation system that allows users to find relevant citations for their paper drafts. The tool is backed by Semantic Scholar's OpenCorpus dataset.
11. Allenact
An open source framework for research in Embodied-AI from AI2.
12. Spv2
Science-parse version 2
✭ 137
13. Savn
Learning to Learn how to Learn: Self-Adaptive Visual Navigation using Meta-Learning (
14. Dnw
Discovering Neural Wirings (
15. Lm Explorer
interactive explorer for language models
✭ 127
16. Bilm Tf
Tensorflow implementation of contextualized word representations from bi-directional language models
✭ 1,598
17. Tpu pretrain
LM Pretraining with PyTorch/TPU
✭ 118
18. Bi Att Flow
Bi-directional Attention Flow (BiDAF) network is a multi-stage hierarchical process that represents context at different levels of granularity and uses a bi-directional attention flow mechanism to achieve a query-aware context representation without early summarization.
19. Allennlp As A Library Example
A simple example for how to build your own model using AllenNLP as a dependency.
✭ 109
21. Pdffigures
Command line tool to extract figures, tables, and captions from scholarly documents in PDF form.
✭ 103
22. Alexafsm
With alexafsm, developers can model dialog agents with first-class concepts such as states, attributes, transition, and actions. alexafsm also provides visualization and other tools to help understand, test, debug, and maintain complex FSM conversations.
23. Aristo Mini
Aristo mini is a light-weight question answering system that can quickly evaluate Aristo science questions with an evaluation web server and the provided baseline solvers.
✭ 92
24. Deepfigures Open
Companion code to the paper "Extracting Scientific Figures with Distantly Supervised Neural Networks" 🤖
✭ 91
25. Hierplane
A tool for visualizing trees, tailored specifically to the analysis of parse trees.
✭ 77
26. Allennlp Semparse
A framework for building semantic parsers (including neural module networks) with AllenNLP, built by the authors of AllenNLP
✭ 72
27. Longformer
Longformer: The Long-Document Transformer
✭ 1,009
28. Tableilp
Question Answering via Integer Programming (TableILP)
✭ 28
30. Tuffylite
TuffyLite is an open-source MLN inference engine that modifies the original Tuffy solver.
✭ 27
31. Scispacy
A full spaCy pipeline and models for scientific/biomedical documents.
32. Scibert
A BERT model for scientific text.
✭ 890
33. Xnor Net
ImageNet classification using binary Convolutional Neural Networks
✭ 798
34. Writing Code For Nlp Research Emnlp2018
A companion repository for the "Writing code for NLP Research" Tutorial at EMNLP 2018
✭ 533
36. Ai2thor
An open-source platform for Visual AI.
37. Deep qa
A deep NLP library, based on Keras / tf, focused on question answering (but useful for other NLP too)
39. Science Parse
Science Parse parses scientific papers (in PDF form) and returns them in structured form.
✭ 384
40. Peerread
Data and code for Kang et al., NAACL 2018's paper titled "A Dataset of Peer Reviews (PeerRead): Collection, Insights and NLP Applications"
✭ 317
41. Openie Standalone
Quality information extraction at web scale. Edit
✭ 314
42. ai2thor-docker
A mini-framework for running AI2-Thor with Docker.
43. pybart
Converter from UD-trees to BART representation
44. scicite
Repository for NAACL 2019 paper on Citation Intent prediction
✭ 87
45. comb dist direct relex
Combining Distant and Direct Supervision for Neural Relation Extraction
The official code for PRIMERA: Pyramid-based Masked Sentence Pre-training for Multi-document Summarization
47. allennlp-simple-server-visualization
static-dir files for a simple-server demo with ReactJS visualizations
✭ 16
48. winogrande
WinoGrande: An Adversarial Winograd Schema Challenge at Scale
49. show-your-work
Relevant code for the "Show Your Work" paper, EMNLP 2019.
50. ARC-Solvers
ARC Question Solvers
1-50 of 84 user projects