112 open source projects by atom

51. Atom Space Pen Views
Atom SpacePen views that previously lived in core.
52. Ascii Art
Convert selected text to ascii art banner
✭ 60
53. Language Csharp
C# language support for Atom
✭ 59
54. One Light Syntax
Atom One light syntax theme
✭ 57
55. Underscore Plus
Underscore with some extensions
56. Node Keytar
Native Password Node Module
✭ 1,080
57. Language Coffee Script
CoffeeScript support in Atom
58. Theorist
A reactive model toolkit for CoffeeScript
59. Keyboard Layout
Node module to read and observe the current keyboard layout
✭ 48
60. Template Syntax
A template atom syntax theme to build from
✭ 45
61. Loophole
A hack to enable use of libraries that depend on a basic form of eval in Atom with CSP enabled
62. Reactionary
Basic helpers for building React DOM nodes in CoffeeScript.
63. Github
Git and GitHub integration for Atom
64. Television
Combine the virtual DOM with HTML 5 custom elements.
65. Autocomplete Plus
View and insert possible completions in the editor while typing
66. Dev Live Reload
Watch and reload atom's Less files when they are changed.
✭ 25
67. Language Examples
Language examples for all Atom core languages.
✭ 18
68. Teletype Crdt
String-wise sequence CRDT powering peer-to-peer collaborative editing in Teletype for Atom.
69. Etch
Builds components using a simple and explicit API around virtual-dom
70. Tree View
🌳 Explore and open project files in Atom
✭ 541
71. Highlights
Syntax highlighter
✭ 530
72. Flight Manual.atom.io
📖 Documentation for Atom, generated by nanoc, hosted by GitHub Pages
73. Atom Languageclient
Language Server Protocol support for Atom (the basis of Atom-IDE)
74. Ide Typescript
TypeScript and Javascript language support for Atom-IDE
75. One Dark Syntax
Atom One dark syntax theme
✭ 363
76. Fuzzaldrin
Fuzzy filtering and string scoring
✭ 304
77. Fuzzy Finder
Find and open files quickly
✭ 272
78. Ide Php
PHP language support for Atom-IDE
79. language-make
Make package for Atom
80. atom-nightly-releases
Provides Atom Nightly Releases to be served by update.electronjs.org
✭ 23
81. eon
Real-Time Conflict-Free Version Control System
✭ 99
82. space-pencil
SpacePen minus jQuery
83. fs-admin
Perform file system operations with admin privileges
84. node-ls-archive
Node Module for archive files
85. spawn-as-admin
Spawn a child process with admin privileges
86. grammar-selector
Pick a grammar for the current editor
87. atom-select-list
An etch component to show select lists with fuzzy filtering, keyboard navigation and other cool features.
88. dalek
EXTERMINATEs built-in packages installed as community packages
89. one-light-ui
Atom One light UI theme
90. go-to-line
Jump to a line number in Atom
✭ 38
91. archive-view
Open compressed files in Atom
92. image-view
View images in an Atom editor
94. keybinding-resolver
Shows what a keybinding resolves to
95. language-java
Java package for Atom
96. node-nslog
Access to NSLog from inside node!
97. solarized-dark-syntax
Atom syntax theme using the dark Solarized colors
✭ 74
98. link
Open links from Atom
✭ 26
99. language-mustache
Mustache package for Atom
100. language-ruby-on-rails
Ruby on Rails package for Atom
51-100 of 112 user projects