All Git Users → camunda

21 open source projects by camunda

1. Camunda Bpm Platform
Flexible framework for workflow and decision automation with BPMN and DMN. Integration with Spring, Spring Boot, CDI.
2. Camunda Bpm Webapp
This codebase was merged with Only maintenance branches are active.
3. Camunda Bpmn.js
camunda BPMN 2.0 Javascript libraries
✭ 121
4. Camunda External Task Client Js
Implement your BPMN Service Task in NodeJS.
5. Camunda Bpm Sdk Js
Javascript client library for connecting to camunda BPM REST Api
✭ 72
6. Feel Scala
FEEL parser and interpreter written in Scala
7. Camunda Webapp Translations
Translations for Camunda Cockpit/Tasklist/Admin. Your language missing? Make a PR!
8. Camunda Modeler
An integrated modeling solution for BPMN and DMN based on
9. Camunda Bpm Examples
A collection of usage examples for camunda BPM intended to get you started quickly
11. Docker Camunda Bpm Platform
Docker images for the camunda BPM platform
12. camunda-bpmn-js
Embeddable Camunda modeling distributions based on bpmn-js
13. camunda-engine-dmn
Lightweight Execution Engine for DMN (Decision Model and Notation) written in Java.
✭ 77
14. bpmn-for-research
A collection of BPMN diagrams that can be used for research
✭ 25
15. camunda-bpmn-moddle
Camunda moddle extensions for BPMN 2.0
✭ 52
16. awesome-camunda-external-clients
Awesome Camunda External Clients
✭ 28
17. camunda-commons-ui
Common resources and libraries for camunda web applications
18. camunda-bpm-assert
This project was moved to
✭ 85
19. camunda-get-started-quickstart
No description, website, or topics provided.
20. camunda-external-task-client-java
This codebase was merged with Only some maintenance branches might still be active.
✭ 60
21. camunda-spin
Simple API for working with complex data formats such as XML and JSON
1-21 of 21 user projects