Top 13 dmn open source projects

Camunda Bpm Platform
Flexible framework for workflow and decision automation with BPMN and DMN. Integration with Spring, Spring Boot, CDI.
Drools is a rule engine, DMN engine and complex event processing (CEP) engine for Java.
Expression Language for creating and executing business rules in decision table based on DMN 1.1 specification for conformance level 3
Evaluation of DMN 1.1 decision tables, limited to S-FEEL (Simple Friendly Enough Expression Language)
core Business Operating System. An OPEN SOURCE business application that helps small and medium business handle all the day to day tasks.
Integration between Micronaut and Camunda (Workflow Engine). We configure Camunda with sensible defaults, so that you can get started with minimum configuration: simply add a dependency in your Micronaut project to embed the workflow engine!
UI for Dynamic Memory Networks
A tool which performs static analyses on Decision Model Notation (DMN) files to detect bugs
Decision Model and Notation Technology Compatibility Kit
a curated list of awesome Camunda BPM projects, libraries, tools, documentations, forum posts, etc.
1-13 of 13 dmn projects