All Git Users → cuducos

17 open source projects by cuducos

1. Minha Receita
🏢 Sua API web para consulta de informações do CNPJ da Receita Federal
2. My Internet Speed
🛎️ Monitor the speed your ISP is delivering
3. Calculadora Do Cidadao
💵 Tool for Brazilian Reais monetary adjustment/correction
4. Bot Followers
🍊 Find out how many bots follow any given Twitter acount
5. Alchemydumps
SQLAlchemy backup/dump tool for Flask
6. Getgist
🖥️ Easily download any file from a GitHub Gist, with one single command.
7. Whiskyton
Whiskyton, find whiskies that you like!
✭ 77
8. Cara De Nordestino
Você tem cara de nordestino?
✭ 13
9. Raspadorlegislativo
Testes de código para integrar, futuramente, o Radar Legislativo
10. Twitter Cleanup
🛁 Clean-up inactive accounts and bots from your Twitter
11. go-cpf
CPF validation in Go
12. cunhajacaiu
Brazilian website counting the days to the fall of Cunha
13. elm-format-number
✨Format numbers as pretty strings
15. brazilian-cities
A script to generate list with all Brazilian cities and states
16. django-ajax-contacts
Web app to discuss responsabilities of backend and frontend code
17. pwned-antifas
1-17 of 17 user projects