All Git Users → dylanaraps

35 open source projects by dylanaraps

1. Shfm
file manager written in posix shell
✭ 172
2. Torque
🚂 A TUI client for transmission written in pure bash.
3. Promptless
🚀 A super fast and extremely minimal shell prompt.
4. Neofetch
🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
5. Wal.vim
🎨 A vim colorscheme for use with wal
✭ 145
6. Paleta
Change terminal colors on-the-fly independent of terminal emulator.
7. Bin
🗑️ scripts
8. Openbox Patched
PKGBUILD and patches for Openbox with Rounded Corners
✭ 99
9. Fff.vim
A plugin for vim/neovim which allows you to use fff as a file opener.
10. Kiss Old
Kiss Linux Distribution
11. Pfetch
🐧 A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh.
12. Pure Bash Bible
📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
13. Wal
🎨 Generate and change colorschemes on the fly. Deprecated, use pywal instead. -->
14. Sowm
An itsy bitsy floating window manager (220~ sloc!).
✭ 580
16. Dotfiles
🍙 dotfiles
17. Pxltrm
🖌️ pxltrm - [WIP] A pixel art editor inside the terminal
18. Fff
📁 A simple file manager written in bash.
19. Pure Sh Bible
📖 A collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes.
20. Writing A Tui In Bash
How to write a TUI in BASH
21. Birch
An IRC client written in bash
22. Pash
🔒 A simple password manager using GPG written in POSIX sh.
23. k
kiss pkg man written in c
24. wiki
KISS Linux - Wiki (The wiki is now a part of the website)
25. bush
This is an experiment to see how many standard tools and functions we can re-implement in pure bash.
✭ 29
26. nfu
Neofetch Utils - A set of C programs to print system information.
✭ 20
27. community
KISS - Community Repository (temporarily closed for maintenance)
28. startpage
🔗 Simple start page written in HTML/SCSS
✭ 28
29. ryuuko
🎨 A colorscheme~
✭ 29
Vim Script
30. nosj
a json parser written in pure bash
31. bspwm
A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning (rounded corners patch)
✭ 37
32. pow
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 25
33. barsh
Use your terminal as a bar
✭ 37
34. eiwd old
35. taskrunner.nvim
🏃 Runs Gulp/Gruntfiles in terminal splits
1-35 of 35 user projects