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Top 189 repository open source projects

Unit of Work & Repositories Framework - .NET Core, NET Standard, Entity Framework Core. 100% extensible & lightweight. Live demo:
🏰 MVVMFrame for Android 是一个基于Google官方推出的Architecture Components dependencies(现在叫JetPack){ Lifecycle,LiveData,ViewModel,Room } 构建的快速开发框架。有了MVVMFrame的加持,从此构建一个MVVM模式的项目变得快捷简单。
❗️ Go to the first (initial) commit of any GitHub repo
Darwin Cydia Repo Manager - v4 redesigned in Django.
Mongodb Generic Repository
An example of generic repository implementation using the MongoDB C# Sharp 2.0 driver (async)
A place to share electronics projects
Maven Git Versioning Extension
This extension will virtually set project versions, based on current git branch or tag.
Community-maintained repository of free software for the reMarkable tablet.
Git Meta
Repository for the git-meta project -- build your own monorepo using Git submodules
Data Science Resources
👨🏽‍🏫You can learn about what data science is and why it's important in today's modern world. Are you interested in data science?🔋
Padroes De Commits
📄 Padrão de commits para repositórios.
Ansible Role Repo Epel
Ansible Role - EPEL Repository for RHEL/CentOS
Синхронизация хранилища конфигурации "1С:Предприятия" с репозиторием Git и последующим переходом на разработку в 1C:Enterprise Development Tools (1C:EDT) с сохранением истории
Gh Latest Repos
Microservice to get the latest public GitHub repos from a user
Manage Laravel configuration by persistent storage
🖖Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any kind of filters.
Release Belt
Composer repository implementation for ZIPs.
Hyrax is a Ruby on Rails Engine built by the Samvera community. Hyrax provides a foundation for creating many different digital repository applications.
Xmake Repo
📦 An official xmake package repository
Drat R Archive Template
Some commonly used kubernetes app 🎉🎉🎉~~~
Mwdb Core
Malware repository component for samples & static configuration with REST API interface.
Slick Repo
CRUD Repositories for Slick based persistence Scala projects.
Spring Data Mock
Mock facility for Spring Data repositories
Laravel Repository
Repository Design Pattern for Laravel 5 with Eloquent or Collection
Github Label Setup
📦 Setup GitHub label without configuration.
software package manager for windows
tool for turning many repos into a meta repo. why choose many repos or a monolithic repo, when you can have both with a meta repo?
Hydrus Presets And Scripts
collection of presets and scripts for Hydrus
Backup My Github
Clones all your repositories to local machine
🚥 A report card for Python application
Aspnetcore Ddd
Full ASP.NET Core 3.1 LTS application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing
Artesãos Warehouse - A simple and direct approach to repositories!
🎸 Download and/or Extract git repositories (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket). Cross-platform and Offline-first!
Git Unsaved
🔎 Scan your projects directory for dirty git repositories.
A framework for securing software update systems
Git Repo Watcher
A simple bash script to watch a git repository and pull upstream changes if needed.
Gh Card
GitHub Repository Card for Any Web Site
Repository Tree
🌲Pretty display directory tree view of a GitHub repository.
Active fedora
A Rails interface to the Fedora repository, akin to ActiveModel
✍️ Get a quick summary of a repo's authors.
Github Clone All
Clone (~1000) repos matched to query on GitHub using Search API
Repository Edge
EDGE - Home Assistant Community Add-ons
URF.Core Sample Solution - E2E sample built with ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, URF.Core, Angular, Kendo UI & OData Core. Live demo:
Repository + Landr = Website
Content management with Github hosted Markdown as an authoritative data source
Hall Of Fame
🏆 Show some love to your contributors! A widget for your repo README. Visual and clean. Refreshes every hour.
Pull down a list of GitHub repos for the given user or org, and save to a local JSON file.
📄 A plugin to embed Github repos on your site
神奇宝贝 (PokemonGo) 基于 Jetpack + MVVM + Repository 设计模式 + Data Mapper + Kotlin Flow 的实战项目,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。
1-60 of 189 repository projects