All Git Users → fujiwara

15 open source projects by fujiwara

1. Stretcher
Deployment tool with consul/serf event notification.
2. Fluent Agent Hydra
A Fluentd log agent.
3. Lambroll
lambroll is a minimal deployment tool for AWS Lambda.
4. Shapeio
Traffic shaper for Golang io.Reader and io.Writer
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5. Consul Kv Dashboard
Consul KVS based dashboard web application.
6. Fluent Plugin Zabbix
fluentd out plugin to zabbix
7. Ridge
AWS Lambda HTTP Proxy integration event bridge to Go net/http.
9. chef-solo-with-capistrano
chef-solo by capistrano
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10. tuggle
Distributed file mirroring proxy in Consul cluster
11. mysql-slave-healthcheck-agent
No description, website, or topics provided.
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12. go-zabbix-get
zabbix-get compatible command (Golang version)
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13. Rin
Rin is a Redshift data Importer by SQS messaging.
14. zabbix-aggregate-agent
Data aggregator for multiple zabbix-agent
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15. nssh
No description, website, or topics provided.
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1-15 of 15 user projects