KoBuild and deploy Go applications on Kubernetes
Git Auto DeployDeploy your GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket projects automatically on Git push events or web hooks
Opsmanage自动化运维平台: 代码及应用部署CI/CD、资产管理CMDB、计划任务管理平台、SQL审核|回滚、任务调度、站内WIKI
ReposiliteLightweight repository management software dedicated for the Maven based artifacts (formerly NanoMaven) 📦
CqtdeployerThis project is used to deploy applications written using QML, qt or other С / С++ frameworks.
KubenixKubernetes resource builder using nix
RocketAutomated software delivery as fast and easy as possible 🚀
Volksdepvolksdep is an open-source toolbox for deploying and accelerating PyTorch, ONNX and TensorFlow models with TensorRT.
GradioCreate UIs for your machine learning model in Python in 3 minutes
DrootThe super-simple chroot-based application container engine.
DeployAnsible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
MeliPlatform for deploying static sites and frontend applications easily. Automatic SSL, deploy previews, reverse proxy, and more.
FlightplanRun sequences of shell commands against local and remote hosts.
GoployDeploy, CI/CD, Xterm, APP monitor, Crontab Manager.
WordmoveMulti-stage command line deploy/mirroring and task runner for Wordpress
Now PipelineSimple CI pipeline with goal to deploy new version at Zeit Now cloud if tests pass
Stage CiAutomatic deploy previews for your PRs using zeit.co/now.
PulsarManage your Capistrano deployments with ease
FlockAutomated deployment of Swift projects to servers
LedokkuBeautiful web UI for all things Dokku
Github Pages Deploy ActionAutomatically deploy your project to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. This action can be configured to push your production-ready code into any branch you'd like.
Pm86Production process manager for Node.js apps with a built-in load balancer.
Lambrolllambroll is a minimal deployment tool for AWS Lambda.
Meteor UpProduction Quality Meteor Deployment to Anywhere
DeployDeploy Development Builds of Open Cluster Management (OCM) on RedHat Openshift Container Platform
DeployerA deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks out of the box
The forgeOur groundbreaking, lightning fast PWA CLI tool
StranoStrano is a web UI to run any tasks (but mostly Capistrano) from any of your git repo.
Pm2Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
DeployerDeployer is a free and open source deployment tool.
Github To S3 Lambda Deployer⚓️ GitHub webhook extension for uploading static pages to AWS S3 directly after commiting to master via Lambda written in Node.js
Webhookwebhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands
FlubucoreA cross platform build and deployment automation system for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code.
ShipitUniversal automation and deployment tool ⛵️
Git FtpUses Git to upload only changed files to FTP servers.
Git DeployPhp Script for Auto-Pull in server (Using WebHook from GitLab, GitHub and Bitbucket)
S3deployA simple tool to deploy static websites to Amazon S3 and CloudFront with Gzip and custom headers support (e.g. "Cache-Control")