SpacesirenA honey token manager and alert system for AWS.
Lambdiumheadless chrome + selenium webdriver in AWS Lambda using the serverless application model
Aws Etl OrchestratorA serverless architecture for orchestrating ETL jobs in arbitrarily-complex workflows using AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda.
Now DenoDeno builder for Vercel - run Deno on Vercel. :sauropod: + λ = ❤️
BlessRepository for BLESS, an SSH Certificate Authority that runs as a AWS Lambda function
Komiser☁️ Cloud Environment Inspector 👮🔒 💰
AlgnhsaAWS Lambda Go net/http server adapter
StreamalertStreamAlert is a serverless, realtime data analysis framework which empowers you to ingest, analyze, and alert on data from any environment, using datasources and alerting logic you define.
Serverless AnalyticsTrack website visitors with Serverless Analytics using Kinesis, Lambda, and TypeScript.
ApilogsEasy logging and debugging for Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda Serverless APIs
ObscurifyFind out more about your music taste and compare it to others' with Obscurify
React On LambdaA JavaScript library for building React applications in more functional way. Alternative to JSX.
Aws Auto RemediateOpen source application to instantly remediate common security issues through the use of AWS Config
BrefServerless PHP on AWS Lambda
Aws Lambda FastifyInsipired by aws-serverless-express to work with Fastify with inject functionality.
ComponentsThe Serverless Framework's new infrastructure provisioning technology — Build, compose, & deploy serverless apps in seconds...
EventstormingworkshopEventStorming workshop, this is a hands-on workshop. Contains such topics: DDD, Event storming, Specification by example. Including the AWS product : Serverless Lambda , DynamoDB, Fargate, CloudWatch.
Micro Aws LambdaA 7KB and 0 dependencies AWS Lambda library which supports middleware and easy debug.
ServerlessishRun the same Docker images in AWS Lambda and AWS ECS
Of WatchdogReverse proxy for STDIO and HTTP microservices
Param.macroPartial application syntax and lambda parameters for JavaScript, inspired by Scala's `_` & Kotlin's `it`
Pulumi AwsAn Amazon Web Services (AWS) Pulumi resource package, providing multi-language access to AWS
Es2017 Lambda BoilerplateAWS Lambda boilerplate for Node.js 6.10, adding ES2018/7/6 features, Docker-based unit testing and various CI/CD configurations
Aws Serverless Appsync AppThis workshop shows you how to build a Web Application that demonstrates how easy it is to create data driven web applications all with no servers. You will build a serverless web application that lets users search for popular tourist destinations. The application will use AWS AppSync and the AWS Serverless platform to provide real-time weather analysis of the indexed destinations.
List LambdasEnumerate Lambda functions across all regions with useful metadata 💡💵⚙
JaqueLets Java 8 Lambdas to be represented as objects in the form of expression trees at runtime
MotifScala-like pattern matching for Java 8
RefuncA lib make building AWS Lambda compatible layer easily
Serverless SamServerless framework plugin to export AWS SAM templates for a service
FlogoProject Flogo is an open source ecosystem of opinionated event-driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps.
MoonmailEmail marketing platform for bulk emailing via Amazon SES (Google Cloud Platform and Azure coming soon)
Scelta(experimental) Syntactic sugar for variant and optional types.
GofnFunction process via docker provider (serverless minimalist)
Designing Cloud Native Microservices On AwsIntroduce a fluent way to design cloud native microservices via EventStorming workshop, this is a hands-on workshop. Contains such topics: DDD, Event storming, Specification by example. Including the AWS product : Serverless Lambda , DynamoDB, Fargate, CloudWatch.
Aws Lambda ListA list of hopefully useful AWS lambdas and lambda-related resources.