All Git Users → jenssegers

21 open source projects by jenssegers

1. Codeigniter Hmvc Modules
Create HMVC modules with this lightweight extension for Codeiginter 2
✭ 186
2. Codeigniter Advanced Images
Resize and crop images on the fly
✭ 183
3. Captain
⚓️ Easily start and stop docker compose projects
✭ 170
4. Date
🗓 A library to help you work with dates in multiple languages, based on Carbon.
5. Imagehash
🌄 Perceptual image hashing for PHP
6. Dashboard
A server dashboard for Ubuntu
✭ 126
7. Codeigniter Template Library
A template library for Codeigniter
✭ 101
8. Laravel Raven
Sentry (Raven) error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
✭ 91
9. Laravel Mongodb Session
A MongoDB session driver for Laravel
✭ 68
10. Laravel Oauth
A Laravel OAuth 1 & 2 library
✭ 64
11. Optimus
🤖 Id obfuscation based on Knuth's multiplicative hashing method for PHP.
12. Lean
Use the PHP League's Container package with auto-wiring support as the core container in Slim 3
13. Php Chef
Opscode Chef API PHP library
✭ 19
14. Php Proxy
A PHP proxy script with https and post support
✭ 774
15. Laravel Mongodb
A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)
16. Blade
🔪 A standalone version of Laravel's Blade templating engine for use outside of Laravel.
17. Agent
👮 A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect
18. Laravel Rollbar
Rollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
✭ 340
19. Rtl8188 Hostapd
hostapd for Realtek RTL8188
✭ 317
20. Model
This model provides an eloquent-like base class that can be used to build custom models in Laravel and other frameworks
✭ 280
21. Laravel Ab
A server-side A/B testing tool for Laravel.
✭ 257
1-21 of 21 user projects