All Git Users → keith

32 open source projects by keith

1. Dotfiles
My vim, zsh, tmux, and macOS dotfiles
2. Xcode Ast Dump
Dump the AST of your Swift Xcode project
3. Zap
A CLI for cleaning up after .apps
5. Travis.vim
Travis CI build status inside vim
✭ 25
6. Gist.vim
Create gists from Vim
7. Gifiate
Create a gif from a youtuble-dl'able video
✭ 5
8. Swift.vim
Vim runtime files for Swift
✭ 738
9. Hopper Swift Demangle
A Hopper plugin for demangle Swift symbols
10. Reminders Cli
A simple CLI for interacting with macOS reminders
11. Swift Staticlibs
Scripts to allow Swift static libraries to be compiled in Xcode
12. Investigate.vim
A Vim plugin for looking up documentation
13. injectURLProtocol
cycript script for injecting a custom NSURLProtocol into a running application
14. ModMove
Move/Resize windows using modifiers and the mouse
16. conductor
A lightweight OS X window manager for hackers
17. PTHotKeyTest
This is a sandboxed and ARC enabled implementation of custom global hotkeys in Objective-C using PTHotKey
18. export-strings
Export strings from a directory of executables
19. evil-tmux-navigator
Seamlessly navigate Emacs and tmux splits
20. tmux.vim
[DEPRECATED] .tmux.conf syntax highlighting
21. xcconfig.vim
Vim runtime files for xcconfigs
22. parsec
A color scheme for people tired of solarized
23. IgnoreXcodeImageCompletions
A Xcode plugin for discarding Image completions
24. KSInstapaperAPI
An Instapaper API controller with the ability to queue URLs when the network is down
25. radars
Example projects I have created for radars
26. dyld-shared-cache-extractor
A CLI for extracting libraries from Apple's dyld shared cache file
✭ 234
27. rules apple linker
Bazel rules for overriding ld64 with lld or zld
✭ 40
28. edit-weechat
Compose weechat messages in your $EDITOR
✭ 33
29. xcode-man-pages
A HTML export of Xcode's man pages
30. sourcekittendaemon.vim
Autocomplete Swift in Vim
31. PlaygroundQuickLook
A Quick Look plugin for playground files
32. skit
yaml -> sourcekit -> json
1-32 of 32 user projects