All Git Users → mmistakes

10 open source projects by mmistakes

1. Mm Github Pages Starter
Minimal Mistakes GitHub Pages site starter
3. Minimal Mistakes
📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
4. Jekyll Theme Unit Test
📎 Sample Jekyll content (posts, pages, collections, and images) to test your theme against.
5. Jekyll Theme Hpstr
A Jekyll theme with some tumble-log tendencies.
6. Jekyll Theme Skinny Bones
A Jekyll starter with a variety of flexible layouts and components.
8. Made Mistakes Jekyll
Source for my website and blog (Jekyll + Gulp + Netlify)
9. jekyll-sample-content
📎 Sample Jekyll content (posts, pages, collections, and images) to test your theme against.
10. jekyll-gulpified
Jekyll Gulpified. Optimize assets, fire up Browser Sync, deploy, and more.
1-10 of 10 user projects