LoginVue + Vue-router + Vuex 实现前端页面及逻辑,Express 实现注册登录登出的RestFul API 。
React Zhihu这是一个模仿知乎界面的简单React demo。这个React demo能让你从零开始学习React,并逐渐掌握React。它包括了一个项目从零到项目完成的整个过程。
Gulp ImageOptimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task.
Ionic Starter Template Reinventing the wheel, again! Sorry Ionic Team... but there are many newbies learning on Youtube!
BarekitA bare minimum responsive framework
WebsiteTechqueria is a nonprofit the serves the largest community of Latinx in Tech
Gulp Webpack StarterGulp Webpack Starter - fast static website builder. The starter uses gulp toolkit and webpack bundler. Download to get an awesome development experience!
Tmt WorkflowA web developer workflow used by WeChat team based on Gulp, with cross-platform supported and solutions prepared.
StellarStellar is completely based on the latest version of Bootstrap 4. Stellar Admin is designed to reflect the simplicity and svelte of the components and UI elements and coded to perfection with well-organized code.
Generator Angular Webpack Es6Yeoman generator for Angular projects using Webpack, ES6, SASS with some cool optional features. Feel free to contribute!
Compile Hero🔰Visual Studio Code Extension For Compiling Language
Imall基于Laravel5.2,Vue.js1.0的微信商城,用于熟悉 Laravel、Vuejs、Webpack、Gulp 的结合使用,已不维护及更新。(1MB单核基础服务器,浏览请耐心等待图片加载...)
Phphub5PHPHub Ver 5 is a Forum project Powered by Laravel 5.1, and it is also the project build up PHP & Laravel China community (此项目已弃用)
MaidMarkdown driven task runner.
Ignition GoBootstrap4 /Codeigniter 3 Modular (HMVC) App Building Framework - to build enterprise class web applications... Versions: CodeIgniter 3.1.9 AdminLTE 3.4 Bootstrap 4.5.0
Ng6 Starter🆖 An AngularJS Starter repo for AngularJS + ES6 + Webpack
First Pr What was the first pull request you sent on GitHub?
HugulpHugo + Gulp starter project
Gulp TapEasily tap into a gulp pipeline without creating a plugin.
Wifi PassviewAn open source batch script based WiFi Passview for Windows!
Sass RecipesSass things that I do all the time or should remember to do because googling tutorials gets old
Sublime GulpRun Gulp tasks and use snippets from Sublime Text
Gulp IncludeEnables functionality similar to that of snockets / sprockets or other file insertion compilation tools.
Gulp Server IoStandalone / gulp (stream) / delivery server setup with Proxy options remote debugger and more
Gulp RememberA plugin for gulp that remembers and recalls files passed through it
Generator Phaser Plus[🛑 DISCONTINUED] It has been a long journey but development of `generator-phaser-plus` is now over. I recommend you have a look and fork `yandeu/phaser-project-template` instead.
Gulp HbA sane Gulp plugin to compile Handlebars templates. Useful as a static site generator.
Kickup🚚 Boilerplate for your perfect front-end environment (utilizing Gulp.js, Babel, and more)
GlupSome of the gulp tutorial -《gulp笔记》
Web Starter KitWeb Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry.
BaseguideLightweight and robust CSS framework for prototyping and production code.
Gulp Bro👊 gulp + browserify + incremental build, done right.