19 open source projects by ole

1. Ampere
Adding multiplication and division to the units of measurement types in Foundation.
✭ 168
2. Whats New In Swift 4
An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.
3. Sortedarray
An array that keeps its elements sorted according to a given sort predicate.
4. Customscrollview
A very simple implementation of a scroll view on iOS. Not meant for production, just for learning purposes. Please check out the accompanying blog post.
✭ 150
5. Obgradientview
A simple UIView wrapper for CAGradientLayer. For the times when it's more convenient to use a view instead of a CALayer.
✭ 111
6. Nsbundle Obcodesigninginfo
Check an app bundle's code signing and sandboxing state to NSBundle.
✭ 102
7. Storyboard Strings Extraction
Automatically extract translatable strings from Xcode storyboards and update .strings files.
✭ 76
8. Remoteviewcontrollers
Introspection of the private and undocumented remote view controllers feature in iOS 6
✭ 45
9. Obshapedbutton
A UIButton subclass that works with for non-rectangular button shapes.
✭ 951
10. Whats New In Swift 4 2
An Xcode playground demonstrating the new features in in Swift 4.2.
✭ 897
11. Olecontainerscrollview
A UIScrollView subclass that intelligently handles multiple child scroll views and does not interfere with UIKitʼs cell reuse functionality.
✭ 585
12. Animated Paths
Demo project: Animating the drawing of a CGPath with CAShapeLayer.strokeEnd
✭ 508
13. Obslider
A UISlider subclass that adds variable scrubbing speeds (as seen in the Music app on iOS).
✭ 263
14. Collectionviewparallaxscrolling
A custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout to support parallax scrolling in cells. Check out the accompanying blog post for more info.
✭ 254
15. AnalogDial
A circular analog dial that can display a numeric value in a specified range (like an analog speedometer).
✭ 24
16. SilentPush
An iOS test app for testing silent push notifications and background fetching.
✭ 70
17. OSLogStoreTest
Test app for evaluating if apps can access their own OSLog logs via OSLogStore.
✭ 27
18. CGPathHitTesting
A demo iOS app to illustrate hit testing with CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath()
19. iphone-6-plus-rendering
Quick and dirty test apps to understand how the built-in downsampling to screen resolution works on the iPhone 6 Plus.
1-19 of 19 user projects