All Git Users → simplabs

20 open source projects by simplabs

1. Ember Simple Auth
A library for implementing authentication/authorization in Ember.js applications.
2. Excellent
Source Code analysis gem for Ruby and Rails
✭ 159
3. Qunit Dom
High Level DOM Assertions for QUnit
4. Rails api auth
Lightweight Rails Engine that implements the "Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant" OAuth 2.0 flow as well as Facebook authentication
5. Highlight
Syntax Higlighting plugin for Ruby on Rails
✭ 131
6. Ember Cookies
Cookies abstraction for Ember.js that works both in the browser as well as with Fastboot on the server
7. Ast Workshop
"Abstract Syntax Forestry" workshop for EmberConf 2020
✭ 76
8. Ember Test Selectors
Enabling better element selectors in Ember.js tests
9. ember-simple-auth-example
Example project showing how to use Ember Simple Auth with Ember CLI
10. ember-hbs-minifier
Stripping whitespace out of your Handlebars templates
The source code for
12. qunit-dom-codemod
Basic codemod to automatically convert your assertions to qunit-dom assertions
✭ 12
13. ember-asset-size-action
Comment with the diff for the asset sizes on Pull Request
✭ 18
14. ember-cli-pixijs
An Ember CLI Addon that wraps pixi.js
15. breethe-server
Air Quality Data for Locations around the World
✭ 39
16. ember-cli-simple-auth-oauth2
Ember CLI Addon for the Ember Simple Auth OAuth 2.0 package
✭ 21
17. ember-validated-form-buffer
A validated form buffer that wraps Ember Data models for use in forms.
18. breethe-client
Air Quality Data for Locations around the World
19. ember-cli-simple-auth-devise
Ember CLI Addon for the Ember Simple Auth Devise package
✭ 22
20. ember-cli-simple-auth
Ember CLI Adon for the Ember Simple Auth library
✭ 55
1-20 of 20 user projects