Top 271 ember open source projects

Ember In Viewport
Detect if an Ember View or Component is in the viewport @ 60FPS
Ember Graphql Adapter
GraphQL adapter for Ember Data
Ember Lifeline
An Ember addon for managing the lifecyle of asynchronous behavior in your objects
Eslint Plugin Ember
An ESlint plugin that provides set of rules for Ember Applications based on commonly known good practices.
Ember Font Awesome
ember-cli addon for using Font Awesome icons in Ember apps
Ember Cli Document Title
Adding document title behaviour to your ember app
Just a layout framework. Design for cross-platform with ease.
Ember Template Lint
Linter for Ember or Handlebars templates
Ember Models Table
Table with pagination, sorting, filtering and much more
Ember Tooltips
Easy and extendible tooltips for Ember components -
Emberx Select
Select component for Ember based on the native html select element.
Intellij Emberjs
Ember.js support for JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, WebStorm, ...)
Ember Leaflet
🔥 🍃 Easy and declarative mapping for ember
Ember Power Calendar
Powerful and customizable calendar component for Ember
Library App
Detailed Ember.js Octane v3.21 tutorial for absolute beginners.
Ember Native Dom Helpers
Test helpers for your integration tests that fire native events
Scroll Js
Light cross-browser scroller that uses native javascript
Ember Page Title
Page title management for Ember.js Apps
Ember File Upload
HTML5 file uploads for Ember apps
Ember Cli Notifications
⚛ Atom inspired notification messages for ember-cli
Ember Cli Addon Docs
Easy, beautiful docs for your OSS Ember addons
Ember Simple Auth
A library for implementing authentication/authorization in Ember.js applications.
Kitsu Web
🔥 Ember.js app for Kitsu
Ember Pikaday
A datepicker component for Ember CLI projects.
Ember Cli Mocha
Mocha and Chai tests for ember-cli applications
Qunit Dom
High Level DOM Assertions for QUnit
Team recruiting challenges
Ember Web App
NOTICE: official repository moved to
Ember Basic Dropdown
The basic dropdown you ember app needs
Awesome Ember
A curated list of awesome Ember.js stuff like addons, articles, videos, gists and more.
Ember Table
Super Rentals
Codebase for the Super Rentals official tutorial
Ember Data Url Templates
an ember-addon to allow building urls with url templates instead of defining buildURL
Guides Source
This repository contains the Ember.js Guides
Ember Cli Pace
Pace.js load progress bar for Ember apps, incl. Flash-like initial script lazy loading
Code Corps Ember
Ember web application for Code Corps.
Call My Congress
DEPRECATED. Simple app that displays contact information for US Congress representatives by district.
Ember Impagination
An Ember Addon that puts the fun back in asynchronous, paginated datasets
Ember Content Placeholders
Composable components for rendering fake (progressive) content like facebook
Ember Socket Guru
Addon for easy integration with Pusher.js, ActionCable, and Phoenix Channels
Ember Tether
Tether an element to another element in the DOM
Ember Cli Eslint
Ember CLI addon for linting Ember projects with ESLint
Ember Toggle
Checkbox based Toggle Switches for Ember
A documentation tool for Rust.
Ember Cookies
Cookies abstraction for Ember.js that works both in the browser as well as with Fastboot on the server
Turn your audience into a business. Publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
Emberconf 2017
A collection of links that summarize EmberConf 2017
Ember Osf Web
Ember front-end for the Open Science Framework
Ember Cli Postcss
🔥 A Postcss integration for ember-cli
Ember Wordpress
The bridge between Ember.js and Wordpress
Broccoli Serviceworker
ServiceWorker generator for Broccoli and Ember.js
ZigBee Cluster Library Java framework supporting multiple dongles
Ember Steps
Declaratively create wizards, tabbed UIs, and more
Ember Drag Sort
A sortable list component with support for multiple and nested lists
Ember C3
📈 Ember addon library for C3, a D3-based reusable chart library.
1-60 of 271 ember projects