All Git Users → tighten

30 open source projects by tighten

1. Gistlog
GistLog - simple, easy blogging based on GitHub gists
2. Ziggy
Use your Laravel named routes in JavaScript
4. Symposium
Management of proposals, bios, photos, etc. for conference speakers.
5. Jigsaw
Simple static sites with Laravel’s Blade.
6. Onramp
Easing the onramp for new or non-PHP developers to become Laravel devs.
7. Collect
A Collections-only split from Laravel's Illuminate Support
8. Overload
Method overloading in PHP
✭ 105
9. Nova Google Analytics
Google Analytics integration with Laravel Nova
✭ 92
10. Confomo
ConFOMO is a simple tool that makes it easy to track your friends at conferences.
✭ 72
11. Nova Stripe
Easily show information about Stripe charges and balances in your Nova dashboard
✭ 69
12. Takeout
Docker-based development-only dependency manager. macOS, Linux, and WSL2-only and installs via PHP's Composer... for now.
13. Craft Build Query
A plugin for Craft CMS, demonstrating how to build complex or optimized queries by modifying an ElementCriteriaModel.
✭ 38
14. Laravelm1
Tracking what works and doesn't in the Laravel ecosystem on M1
✭ 23
15. Mailthief
A fake mailer for Laravel Applications for testing mail.
16. Lambo
Quick new application creation with Laravel and Valet
17. Tlint
Tighten linter for Laravel conventions
18. Quicksand
Easily schedule regular cleanup of old soft-deleted Eloquent data.
19. giscus
Notifications for Gist Comments
22. react-gif-search-engine
React GIF Search Engine
23. simplecast-php
Simplecast PHP SDK
✭ 15
24. react-gif-search-engine-old
No description, website, or topics provided.
26. nova-releases
A package to provide a card and a tool giving information about Nova releases, including whether you're current
27. laravelversions
No description, website, or topics provided.
28. consoles
Quick shortcut list to API developer consoles
29. json-api-examples
Implementing JSON:API in laravel
✭ 18
1-30 of 30 user projects