2. HatchHatch is a brute force tool that is used to brute force most websites
4. RatpoisonLatest Ver: 1.7; Default Menu Key is F1; Charlatano's Successor; dn
5. Hackchrome⛄️ Get the User:Password from Chrome(include version < 80 and version > 80)
6. H Encore 2Fully chained kernel exploit for the PS Vita on firmwares 3.65-3.73
7. Oauth.net🔒 The oauth.net website. Feel free to send pull requests with updates.
9. Hackers Tool KitIts a framework filled with alot of options and hacking tools you use directly in the script from brute forcing to payload making im still adding more stuff i now have another tool out called htkl-lite its hackers-tool-kit just not as big and messy to see updates check on my instagram @tuf_unkn0wn or if there are any problems message me on instagram
11. SeoSEO utilities including a unique field type, sitemap & redirect manager
13. Chameleonmini RebootedChameleon Mini revE rebooted - Iceman Fork, the ChameleonMini is a versatile contactless smartcard emulator (NFC/RFID)
17. CamerattackAn attack tool designed to remotely disable CCTV camera streams (like in spy movies)
20. Garhal csgoA project that demonstrates how to screw with CSGO from Kernel Space. (CSGO Kernel Cheat/Hack) All cleaned up, and with updated offsets.
22. PulseBrute Force For Facebook,Instagram & Twitter
24. Antiddos System🛡️⚔️ Protect your web app from DDOS attack or the Dead Ping + CAPTCHA VERIFICATION in one line!
26. Attiny85RubberDucky like payloads for DigiSpark Attiny85
28. Ip BiterIP-Biter: The Hacker-friendly E-Mail (but not only) Tracking Framework
29. Go OpenvswitchGo packages which enable interacting with Open vSwitch and related tools. Apache 2.0 Licensed.
31. PwnedA command-line tool for querying the 'Have I been pwned?' service.
32. DarksideTool Information Gathering & social engineering Write By [Python,JS,PHP]
35. AirchatAirChat lets you chat to nearby users by abusing the AirDrop interface on OS X.
42. Awesome VulnerableA curated list of VULNERABLE APPS and SYSTEMS which can be used as PENETRATION TESTING PRACTICE LAB.
45. Oss PerformanceScripts for benchmarking various PHP implementations when running open source software.
46. TelekillerA Tools Session Hijacking And Stealer Local Passcode Telegram Windows
47. JanitorThe fastest development system in the world.
48. Pokemon Go Xposed📱 Xposed module for Pokemon Go - Circumvents the certificate pinning by injecting the expected SSL trust chain, allows you to MITM and to configure a custom API endpoint.
50. KebsScala library to eliminate boilerplate