35 open source projects by zio

1. Zio Json
Fast, secure JSON library with tight ZIO integration.
2. Zio Actors
A high-performance, purely-functional library for building, composing, and supervising typed actors based on ZIO
3. Zio Kafka
A Kafka client for ZIO and ZIO Streams
✭ 190
4. Zio Web
ZIO-powered cloud services via HTTP and other protocols
✭ 185
5. Zio Keeper
A ZIO library for building distributed systems
✭ 176
6. Zio Intellij
A companion IntelliJ IDEA plugin for the ZIO library ecosystem.
7. Zio Akka Cluster
ZIO wrapper for Akka Cluster
8. Zio Sql
Type-safe, composable SQL for ZIO applications
✭ 116
9. Zio Logging
Simple logging for ZIO apps, with correlation, context & pluggable backends out of the box.
10. Zio Query
Add efficient pipelining, batching, and caching to any data source
11. Izumi Reflect
TypeTag without scala-reflect
✭ 51
12. Zio Codec
High-performance codecs for ZIO applications
✭ 17
13. Zio Prelude
A lightweight, distinctly Scala take on functional abstractions, with tight ZIO integration
15. zio-project-seed.g8
giter8 template used to start new ZIO projects for the ZIO organization
16. zio-rocksdb
A ZIO-based interface to RocksDB.
✭ 26
17. zio-flow
Resilient, distributed applications powered by ZIO
18. zio-redis
A ZIO-based redis client
19. interop-reactive-streams
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 36
21. zio-zmx
Monitoring, Metrics and Diagnostics for ZIO
22. caliban-deriving
Full-featured, robust deriving for Caliban.
23. zio-lambda
AWS Lambda Runtime built with ZIO
24. interop-java
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 17
25. zio-schema
Compositional, type-safe schema definitions, which enable auto-derivation of codecs and migrations.
✭ 82
26. zio-aws
Low level ZIO interface for the full AWS
28. interop-cats
ZIO instances for cats-effect type classes
✭ 142
29. zio-config
Easily use and document any config from anywhere in ZIO apps
30. zio-delegate
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 15
31. zio-nio
A small, unopinionated ZIO interface to NIO.
✭ 177
32. zio-process
A simple ZIO library for interacting with external processes and command-line programs
✭ 57
33. zio-analytics
Distributed stream processing using ZIO
✭ 60
34. zio-crypto
Fast, secure cryptographic primitives in a ZIO & ZIO Streams friendly package.
✭ 24
35. zio-shield
Enforce best coding practices with ZIO
1-35 of 35 user projects