YewYew is a modern Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps with WebAssembly.
PyeeA port of Node.js's EventEmitter to python
TosdatabridgeA collection of resources for pulling real-time streaming data off of TDAmeritrade's ThinkOrSwim(TOS) platform; providing C, C++, Java and Python interfaces.
Joshutoranger-like terminal file manager written in Rust
XeniumA C++ library providing various concurrent data structures and reclamation schemes.
ThespianPython Actor concurrency library
VerminConcurrently detect the minimum Python versions needed to run code
BoltBolt is a language with in-built data-race freedom!
DisruptorHigh Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
UtilA collection of useful utility functions
Zio SagaPurely Functional Transaction Management In Scala With ZIO
ThreadlyA library of tools to assist with safe concurrent java development. Providing unique priority based thread pools, and ways to distrbute threaded work safely.
PondMinimalistic and High-performance goroutine worker pool written in Go
BastionHighly-available Distributed Fault-tolerant Runtime
MayhemThe Python asyncio tutorial I wish existed earlier
PhtA new threading extension for PHP
Neph A modern command line job processor, similar with make command
SmolA small and fast async runtime for Rust
SobjectizerAn implementation of Actor, Publish-Subscribe, and CSP models in one rather small C++ framework. With performance, quality, and stability proved by years in the production.
Kommander IosA lightweight, pure-Swift library for manage the task execution in different threads. Through the definition a simple but powerful concept, Kommand.
LightioLightIO is a userland implemented green thread library for ruby
LearLinux Engine for Asset Retrieval - speed-profiled C HTTP server
DejafuSystematic concurrency testing meets Haskell.
Vert.xVert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM
AkkaBuild highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
Golang SetA simple set type for the Go language. Trusted by Docker, 1Password, Ethereum and Hashicorp.
BrightfuturesWrite great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
ZewoLightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.
CrawlerAn easy to use, powerful crawler implemented in PHP. Can execute Javascript.
Ignareo Isml Auto VoterIgnareo the Carillon, a web spider template of ultimate concurrency built for leprechauns. Carillons as the best web spiders; Long live the golden years of leprechauns!
CocrawlerCoCrawler is a versatile web crawler built using modern tools and concurrency.
Vue ConcurrencyA library for encapsulating asynchronous operations and managing concurrency for Vue and Composition API.
AsyncninjaA complete set of primitives for concurrency and reactive programming on Swift
Tascalate ConcurrentImplementation of blocking (IO-Bound) cancellable java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage and related extensions to java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService-s
RecipeRECIPE : high-performance, concurrent indexes for persistent memory (SOSP 2019)
Chymyst CoreDeclarative concurrency in Scala - The implementation of the chemical machine
Tickthreading[not yet functional] Multi-threaded minecraft. Performance over correctness. What could go wrong?
InterviewsA list of fancy questions I've been asked during the interviews I had. Some of them I ask when interviewing people.
Async IoConcurrent wrappers for native Ruby IO & Sockets.
Advanced Http4s🌈 Code samples of advanced features of Http4s in combination with some features of Fs2 not often seen.
Important Java Concepts🚀 Complete Java - A to Z ║ 📚 Notes and Programs of all Important Concepts of Java - OOPS, Data Structures, Algorithms, Design Patterns & Development + Kotlin + Android 🔥
PlasmaPlasma Programming Language
Swift PlaygroundsCollection of Swift playgrounds used in my posts: From functional aspects of Swift to C interoperability.
TapestryWeave loom fibers into your Clojure
FloydThe Floyd programming language
Go CodonWorkflow based REST framework code generator
HpxThe C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency
AgencyExecution primitives for C++
AxemanAxeman is a utility to retrieve certificates from Certificate Transparency Lists (CTLs)