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Top 5 nanodet open source projects
🛠 A lite C++ toolkit of awesome AI models with ONNXRuntime, NCNN, MNN and TNN. YOLOX, YOLOP, MODNet, YOLOR, NanoDet, YOLOX, SCRFD, YOLOX . MNN, NCNN, TNN, ONNXRuntime, CPU/GPU.
TNN Demo
🍉 移动端TNN部署学习笔记,支持Android与iOS。
NanoDet: Tiny Object Detection for TFJS and NodeJS
nanodet tensorrt int8
nanodet int8 量化,实测推理2ms一帧!
QuarkDet lightweight object detection in PyTorch .Real-Time Object Detection on Mobile Devices.
1-5 of 5 nanodet projects