Top 884 actionscript open source projects

551. StarlingDynamicShadows2D
Starling deferred renderer sample project
A resource for connecting women in technology with friendly and welcoming open source projects.
553. sentinel
An ActionScript 3 game framework for developing games with Starling and Box2D.
554. speech-ANE
The Speech API extension lets you convert Strings to voice files and vice versa without any annoying mic activities. the extension will work fully in the background
555. robotlegs2-starling-viewmap
Robotlegs extension to enable simple mediator mapping to a Starling Stage instance
556. canvas.swf
A polyfill for HTML 5 Canvas for Internet Explorer using Flash.
557. jpegcam
Clone of jpegcam which is no longer maintained
558. HanFont
A AIR app for Chinese Font Embeding in ActionScript
560. swfupload
SWFUpload with transparent overlay support for Flash 10
561. robotlegs-examples-dynmodules
DynModules - a modular Robotlegs example
563. Campfire
Campfire is a feature-rich camping system for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
564. csm
Contains all materials for the paper "A counterfactual simulation model of causal judgment".
565. PixelCollisionEngine
No description, website, or topics provided.
566. robotlegs-demo-StrategyGame
A simple strategy game built using TDD in robotlegs
567. punk.fx
A library for applying graphic effects in FlashPunk v1.6+.
568. flash-china-map
A map of China, developed with Flash and Flex, is used for data visualization on map of China
569. aspirin
Reducing the pain in your .as
570. NetGrouper
A wrapper for Actionscript 3.0's NetGroup and RTMFP Multicasting abilities to create quick P2P multiplayer games over local networks or Adobe Cirrus
571. sprite sheet editor
Sprite Sheet编辑器
572. picmagick
A simple Flash (ActionScript) based photo editor
574. Spark-Material
Flex spark based components and skins with Material design by google
575. iptvpanel
576. kinectFaceTrakingANE-light
I made a ANE that can be used FaceTraking2D of Kinect from AIR. This is the simple version.
577. tInspector
578. echo-nest-flash-api
Unofficial Flash API for the Echo Nest API
580. Alternativa3DExamples
Examples for Alternativa3D Flash 3D engine
582. flex-dog
基于flex 的 网络文件管理系统 从 迁移到github
583. SDKGenerator
SDK Generator, produces the source code for all PlayFab SDKs.
584. QuAdminCompleteApp
QuAdmin, complete app, demo admin and web
585. as3lib
586. meteor-issuetracker
An issue tracking web app built with Meteor
587. flash-profiler
open-source profiler for flash applications, utilizing the flash.sampler api
588. evoSpicyParticleEngine
Stage3D particle engine for 3D space.
589. opentaps
mirror of git://
590. PullToRefresh
This library aims to provide a reusable Pull to Refresh widget for Adobe AIR mobile. It was based on Starling Framework. The inherited component is allowed to display a “loading” busy indicator at the top of the list and dispatch a event.
592. tui
a game ui editer for cocos2d-x
593. oldRadio
Old Radio - CSS3 (no images) + HTML5 (audio API) + JS (YUI3)
594. Lacuna
Lacuna: Digital Annotation for Teaching and Learning
595. FPNativeUI
Use native UI components in AIR iOS application
596. RobotGaiaAnt
Build website using Gaia Flash Framework + Robotlegs + Signals.
597. AIRFacebook-ANE
Native extension for Adobe AIR providing cross-platform API to Facebook SDK 4
600. Sifter
Indexed search and clustering tool for digital forensics
551-600 of 884 actionscript projects