Top 554 ApacheConf open source projects

501. eShell
An eLearning player – a building block for more conventional eLearning courses to be run on created with authoring tools. Such players basically consist of different kinds of templates/activities backed by XML/JSON data (produced by Authoring Tools).
502. simple-blog-part-6-pagination
Create a blog from scratch with PHP
503. starmonger
A simple Twitter favorites archiver
504. middleman-bss
A Middleman starter theme with Twitter Bootstrap, Slim templates, and SCSS.
505. docker.sf
Yet Another Dockerised Symfony
506. traffic-tools
a collection of data processing tools roadway traffic analysis
507. gerador-de-certificados
Descontinuado em favor de
508. streambadge
Embed and Share Your Live Streaming Status
509. multidb
A multitenant symfony/doctrine application example
510. torelay
A simple TOR relay app.
511. angularjs-playground
No description, website, or topics provided.
512. minphp
The minPHP Framework
513. pyhole
A clone of the popular Pi-hole DNS ad-blocker.
514. ngTranslateEditor
A contribution to angular-translate community
515. coebot-www
A web interface for CoeBot, a Twitch chat bot
516. custom-auth-examples
No description, website, or topics provided.
517. microtranslator
A Microservice for managing Translations in your application
Government Open Source Project Explorer
519. Routy
Routing library for PHP with REST support.
521. sound-experiments
Website for the creative dev workshop
522. doThings
[ALPHA] with the power of taskwarrior! (web ui for taskwarrior)
524. EzBitcoin-Api-Wallet
A RESTful Bitcoin API wrapper for bitcoind written in PHP and a pure Web Wallet that uses it.
525. larasoket
No description, website, or topics provided.
526. wordpress-capistrano
Just another Wordpress Deployment with Capistrano
527. ansible-supervisord
An Ansible role for deploying and configuring Supervisor on unix hosts.
Webapp builder: The easy (and fast) way to create a web project
529. FreedomCore
FreedomCore is a replica for WoW private servers
531. boblight
No description, website, or topics provided.
532. local-office-server
Useful stuff to run on the in-office microserver
533. rhscl-dockerfiles
DEPRECATED AND NOT UPDATED set of dockerfiles for various Software Collection packages.
534. iTvMe
Apple TV Media Explorer
535. Symfony-3-Base-Project
Symfony 3 base project with already installed common bundles and other stuff
538. HTTPWookiee
HTTPWookiee is an HTTP server and proxy stress tool (respect of RFC, HTTP Smuggling issues, etc). If you run an HTTP server project contact me for private repository access with more tests.
539. scaffold
WIP - Simplified PHP framework, using modern practices and techniques. Making use of the best components available.
540. jhipster-ionic
Example showing how to build an Ionic app using JHipster as backend
542. lumen-api-starter
PHP Lumen-Api-Starter is a backbone framework integration lumen(laravel) & dingoapi & oauth2.
543. saltbox-vagrant
A Vagrant VM that uses SaltStack to setup a SaltStack sandbox for SaltStack demonstration
544. erlang-web
No description, website, or topics provided.
545. wechat-auth.phalcon
546. blade standalone example
No description, website, or topics provided.
547. laravel-versioned-api
A basic starter skeleton for working with versioned APIs using Laravel 5.3, Doctrine 2, Dingo 1.0 and JWT 0.5.
548. blog-sandbox
This is a Symfony2 sandbox project to illustrate our blog posts about Elasticsearch.
549. phalcon2rest
No description, website, or topics provided.
550. innomatic-platform
The open source PHP platform for building multi-tenant SaaS products and enterprise web applications. This is a meta repository that pulls in all dependencies for full Innomatic Platform build.
501-550 of 554 ApacheConf projects