Top 554 ApacheConf open source projects

151. eggtimer
The bulk of the code used by E.ggTimer is a utility website used by millions and loved by thousands.
152. dict-lookup-chrome-ext
Look up any word in an inline frame with a simple click and without leaving the page.
156. PHP Word Cloud
PHP Word Cloud - Deprecated, please use
157. spa-forum
An example of single page application built with Vue.js and Laravel
158. tcp-moe
Open-Source C# Cheat Loader
159. TapsAff
The source code to
160. Epsilon-Prime
A procedurally generated roguelike incremental web based 4x coding game
161. GA-Exam
A Laravel 5 app where you can train on quiz questions by different topics
162. docker-for-php-developers
No description, website, or topics provided.
164. draft
165. lassi
PHP boilerplate for quick start projects using Slim Framework and Eloquent.
166. dockerized-drupal-starter
End-to-end (CI + CD) dockerized Drupal 8 starting point.
167. green.inputmask4angular
No description, website, or topics provided.
168. Cartero
Mailing Phishing Framework - This Branch is UNSTABLE :: Official STABLE master branch at
169. imooc-restful
170. ThinkWechat
为thinkphp提供的微信SDK,集成opensns管理后台,wechat-php-sdk, WEUI 实现快速开发微信企业号,微信服务号,钉钉办公套件,内置二维码生成,邮件短信微信消息发送,也许是thinkphp最好最快的微信开发工具。
172. inventory-app
Inventory management app powered by Vue.js, Laravel and Cosmic JS
173. monit-graph
PHP graphing and logging tool for Monit, to graph and analyse process and/or server performance.
174. S-Update-Server
The S-Update update server
175. Class-Based-Views
Class Based Views (CBVs) are an important aspect of making Django work better for you. This tutorial series helps you understand how to use class based views in a pre-existing Django project.
176. transportation
PubNub Transportation Solution
177. edGalaxyMap
Interactive 3D Webgl Galaxy Map for the game Elite Dangerous built with Angular.js and Three.js
178. angularjs-play-blog-app
A basic blog app example built using AngularJS and Play
179. barmate
Modern and intuitive POS web application written with the Laravel framework
180. Activiti-AngularApp
DEPRECATED - Activiti 5 webapp example
181. FLOW.Developmenttools
No description, website, or topics provided.
182. heroku static
Serve all the things!
184. acilos
This repo is for the acilos social media aggregation web app
185. lumen-messenger-api
Laravel Messenger API built with Lumen
186. bowline
It ties your Docker images to a build process... with a bowline knot
188. letsencrypt-proxy-docker
SSL termination with Let's Encrypt inside a Docker container
189. mdn-app-template
[UNMAINTAINED] A simple template for writing web apps into, to save you some time when experimenting. Used in MDN web app demos. See for more information on what this template contains.
191. lumen rest ce
RESTful API in Lumen, A Laravel Micro Framework By CoderExample (
192. zend-expressive-tutorial
Album tutorial for Zend\Expressive
193. moira
Marketwatch Virtual Stock Exchange game API
194. CodeIgniter-geolocation
CodeIgniter Geolocation library allows you to locate an IP Address using "ipinfodb" API.
195. laravel-ddd
A sandpit for playing around with DDD architecture options in Laravel 4
196. silex-api-skel
Silex API REST Skeleton
197. wp-server-config
Configurations of various applications (e.g. apache, varnish, etc.) on the server powering my wordpress site(s).
198. laravel-cashier-course
Code for the Scotch School course: Build a Monthly Subscription App with Laravel Cashier
199. silverstripe-reqchecker
Check your server environment to see if it's up to scratch to support SilverStripe CMS / Framework (
200. bitrix boilerplate
Бета-версия максимально аутентичной и максимально удобной для разработки виртуальной машины под Битрикс. Попробуйте, это настоящее наслаждение!
151-200 of 554 ApacheConf projects