Nvm WindowsA node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
P5 ManagerA p5js template builder & sketches manager. Built for p5js enthusiasts.
XtupleThis repository contains the source code for the database schema for the PostBooks edition of xTuple ERP and xTuple's REST API server. The REST API server is written in JavaScript running on Node.js. The database schema for PostBooks runs on a PostgreSQL database server.
EkylibreFarm management Information System - Connecting farms to the world
Publicleechcan be found on Telegram as https://telegram.dog/PublicLeechGroup
PallasCurator is to Zookeeper what Pallas is to Elasticsearch
Open Product ManagementA curated list of product management advice from frameworks, interviews, experts, resources, books, products, career preps, and much more.
The list is divided into cores such as product management, resources, interviews, case Studies, sample products/projects, communities, open source projects, free and paid services. There is no pre-established order of items in each category, the order is for contribution. If you want to contribute, please read the guide. Feel free to add products or links to help other product managers.
MasterplanMasterPlan is a project management software / visual idea board software. It attempts to be easy to use, lightweight, and fun.
Storaji📒 The light/responsive inventory management system available on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Akka ManagementAkka Management is a suite of tools for operating Akka Clusters.
KialiKiali project, observability for the Istio service mesh
StoreA beautifully-simple framework-agnostic modern state management library.
CfpmpCloudflare Partner Management Panel
SwarmpitLightweight mobile-friendly Docker Swarm management UI
AtutorNO LONGER USER LEVEL SUPPORTED. CONTRIBUTING DEVELOPERS INTERESTED IN MAINTAINING ATUTOR, SHOULD REQUEST COLLABORATOR ACCESS. : ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Management System (LMS) used to develop and deliver online courses. Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes, develop custom themes to give ATutor a new look, and easily extend its functionality with feature modules. Educators can quickly assemble, package, and redistribute standardized Web-based instructional content, easily import prepackaged content, and conduct their courses online. Students learn in an accessible, adaptive, social learning environment.
HappypandaA cross platform manga/doujinshi manager with namespace & tag support
SeagullFriendly Web UI to manage and monitor docker
Engineering ManagementA collection of inspiring resources related to engineering management and tech leadership
GobblinA distributed data integration framework that simplifies common aspects of big data integration such as data ingestion, replication, organization and lifecycle management for both streaming and batch data ecosystems.
NovosgaSistema de Gerenciamento de Atendimento adaptável para grandes e pequenas organizações.
IdempiereiDempiere. Community Powered Enterprise. Full Open Source Business Suite ERP/CRM/MFG/SCM/POS
Streamdeck ToolsThe Stream Deck Tools library wraps all the communication with the Stream Deck app, allowing you to focus on actually writing the Plugin's logic
Coddx AlphaCoddx - a collection of tools that help developers program efficiently. One of the features is generating multiple files from templates quickly.
TiddlyresearchLocal and Anki-compatible note-taking tool based on TiddlyWiki
Laravel FilemanagerMedia gallery with CKEditor, TinyMCE and Summernote support. Built on Laravel file system.
Shadowsocks HubA web app managing shadowsocks users, servers, nodes, products, accounts, and traffic. Suitable for internal use by companies, organizations, and friends.
Afctlafctl helps to manage and deploy Apache Airflow projects faster and smoother.
Ezmomicli tool for common VMware vSphere tasks
ManageCommand Line Manager + Interactive Shell for Python Projects
Stencil StoreStore is a lightweight shared state library by the StencilJS core team. Implements a simple key/value map that efficiently re-renders components when necessary.
Xg2xgby ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
OutstatedSimple hooks-based state management for React
ScelightThe source code of the Scelight project with all its modules.
Qt ClientThis repository contains the source code for the Desktop client. The Desktop client is built using the Qt framework for C++. The client can be extended or customized using JavaScript. This client is used by all editions of xTuple ERP.
OfficelifeOfficeLife manages everything employees do in a company. From projects to holidays to 1 on 1s to ... 🚀
Machinery Industry Press本项目预计分享数千册电子书,98%以上为机械工业出版社原版电子书,其余为其它出版社出版的一些经典外文读物的原版译本电子书,每本书都配有当当网一键搜索,可查看书价格和简介。目前共计更新2542册图书
KafkawizeKafkawize : A Self service Apache Kafka Topic Management tool/portal. A Web application which automates the process of creating and browsing Kafka topics, acls, schemas by introducing roles/authorizations to users of various teams of an org.
Mainwp ChildThe MainWP Child plugin is installed on the WordPress sites that you want to control from the MainWP Dashboard.
Common Env🔑 The only configuration library you will ever need
1on1 QuestionsMega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
KmonLinux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor 🐧💻
WebconsoleSpigot plugin to manage your server remotely using a web interface
PyhawkSearches the directory of choice for interesting files. Such as database files and files with passwords stored on them