Top 548 Classic ASP open source projects

101. pcf-dotnet-environment-viewer
No description, website, or topics provided.
102. sparc
Sorted A-Prolog with Consistency Restoring rules.
103. go-cms
104. ASP.NET-MVC-Plugins
Complete example of how to create a plugin system for ASP.NET MVC where all files are contained within the plugin's DLL. I promise.
106. CSharp.Readability
Readability API binding and OAuth connect support for the API
107. lightmessagingcore-boilerplate
Lightweight core messaging boilerplate with RabbitMQ and Masstransit
108. ReallyEmptyMvc3ProjectTemplate
It's a really really empty MVC 3 project template
110. angularmvctutorial
Source code for AngularJS tutorials on CodeProject
111. caching
A C# framework library for wrapping .NET cache access, including the MemoryCache, AppFabric Cache, Memcached and a disk cache. Use any cache provider in AOP-style, or as an ASP.NET output cache.
112. Unknown-OS
A fast and lightweight 64 bit Operating System which uses Openbox desktop environment and comes with a selection of useful application preinstalled
114. RabbitDemo
115. compose-pay
🔱 HA distributed payment gateway. 高可用分布式支付网关/支付前置/支付系统/微信/支付宝
116. AspNetPagerCN
A library to help use OAuth with MVC
119. HTML5-Photo-Upload
Take a Photo and Upload it on Mobile Phones with HTML5
120. learn-classic-asp
Learn classic ASP, because sometimes you have a client with the legacy project. 😌
121. mvc5-angular-webpack
To integrate Angular and Webpack into ASP.NET MVC application for both development and production deployment
122. MongoMapper.NET
A .NET Document Mapper for MongoDB over MongoDB C# Driver
123. kcdc2016Presentations
No description, website, or topics provided.
124. EAP
企业管理平台(EAP)进销存的实现 - 已经用于自行车零售店
125. agilewizard
Open Source for
126. webshell
This is a webshell open source project
127. MongoWSAT
Pre-configured user administration section for ASP.NET websites (both MVC and WebForms) using MongoDB Membership and Role Providers. (Requires .NET 4 Framework)
128. AspNetWebApiArticle
Source code for ASP.NET WebApi Article for Code Magazine
129. everpage
Load and display notes from Evernote.
130. slimresponse
Painless responsive images for .Net with Slimmage and ImageResizer
131. bf2142stats emu
Battlefield 2142 Statistics Emulator Server
132. uiDivStats
A graphical representation of domain blocking performed by Diversion
Source code for all tutorials on my blog at
134. B2C-WebApp-OpenIDConnect-DotNet-SUSI
A simple ASP.NET web application that shows how to use a sign-up or sign-in (SUSI) policy in Azure AD B2C.
136. BotFrameworkSample
Bot Framework project I completed that hosts a bot to interface with Visual Studio Team Services. Uses Logic Apps to complete the tasks, and Azure Directory Authentication
138. ResizingServer
A image server base on .NET & ImageResizer
139. Alpha
A lazy-grounding Answer-Set Programming system
140. Digimon-World-Project-Ark
Remake of the Original Digimon World game
141. pap2
this version is update to the 3d engine
142. AtomicCms mvc content management system
143. Codium
An interactive application for learning how to code.
144. RavenBurgerCo
Sample application showcasing RavenDB's spatial features
146. Unity-Build-Manager-Plugin
Basic Unity script to help automate and log the game build process
148. olx
A pet project to scrap OLX ad details. (For learning purposes only)
149. fu-malaria
Open Source Computer Vision Prototype for the detection of Malaria and other diseases
150. DRL DeliveryDuel
Deep Reinforcement Learning applied to a modern 3D video-game environment called Delivery Duel.
101-150 of 548 Classic ASP projects