Top 548 Classic ASP open source projects

51. platform-sdk
No description, website, or topics provided.
52. vClash
Clash插件 for Koolshare系列梅林、官方改版,适用于380/384/386版本固件啦。安装即用。
53. Todo-App--Backbone.js-and-ASP.Net-MVC
Todo App written in Backbone.js and ASP.Net MVC based on Addy Osmani and Bit Candies code
54. cmdsql
No description, website, or topics provided.
55. inventory
web system to manage a hardware inventory
56. MarkdownMailer
A simple library for sending email message with Markdown bodies, that creates the text and HTML views from the Markdown.
58. jeeshop springmvc
59. Umbraco-2FA
A two factor authentication package for Umbraco.
61. Metsys.WebOp
Web Optimization Framework for ASP.NET
62. DynamicOdata
Dynamic Odata version 3
63. Samples
Code Samples from the endjin blogs
64. OnionWebApiStarterKit
Starter Kit for Onion Architecture and using Mediatr to separate services from controller actions.
65. cubicworld
Minecraft like unity3d voxel engine
66. gt-cs6250
Project Code for Computer Networking
67. BIT-CS
68. 006772
반다이 남코 현역 프로그래머가 알려주는 유니티 네트워크 프로그래밍
69. Chirper
Chirper is a simple twitter clone webapp with a .NET front-end and a nosql back-end based on Cassandra.
70. EFDynamicReport
Dynamic Report for Entity Framework
71. iewebgl
WebGL plugin for Internet Explorer 10 and below.
72. TerrainMap
Convert 2D Map to 3D Terrain with WebGL
73. EventualConsistency.DomainEvents.AzureServiceBus
Eventual consistency via Domain Events and Azure Service Bus
74. hubtel-ussd-csharp
This is a .NET library for developing dynamic USSD applications.
75. SPA-Authentication
Samples of authentication from a SPA
76. IISDeploy
delopy website with github automatically
78. Suteki.TardisBank
Pocket money on-line banking for parents and kids.
79. Django-vod
Use Django to create a vod(video on demand) manage system
80. clonedeploy
No description, website, or topics provided.
82. Mikrotik Center
No description, website, or topics provided.
83. PushFrenzy
No description, website, or topics provided.
84. chummer2
Chummer 2: SR5 character generator
85. ReverseProxySiteExtension
Repository for Azure WebApps SiteExtention Reverse Proxy
86. Terratype
Multiple map picker for Umbraco CMS
87. SentryAppender
Uses log4net to send errors to Sentry (
88. lahthaNews
This app helps you to know all the news about the Arabic region from you lovely channels that you would like to follow.
89. active-directory-dotnet-native-headless
A windows desktop program that demonstrates non-interactive authentication to Azure AD using a username & password, and optionaly windows integrated authentication.
90. bootstrap-table.mvc
A fluent Html helper for the popular bootstrap-table plug-in.
91. oposum
No description, website, or topics provided.
92. PS2EXE
PowerShell to EXE converter
93. zenbo-build
Build sample demoed in 2017 of Microsoft Bot Framework and cognitive services using ASUS Zenbo
94. MvcTrig
ASP.NET MVC Client Trigging Framework
95. WebSync-Signaling
WebSync is used as signaling gateway with/for WebRTC-Experiments e.g. RTCMultiConnection.js, DataChannel.js, Plugin-free screen sharing, and video conferencing.
96. asuswrt-rt
Source code mirror for Ralink based Asus modems
97. softgear
softcenter for netgear firmware。尽可能外挂去实现 netgear 改版固件的软件中心。
98. ledesoft
No description, website, or topics provided.
100. aspZip
A classic ASP zip and unzip utility class that uses the native zip support from Windows (XP and above) - no components needed
51-100 of 548 Classic ASP projects