Top 548 Classic ASP open source projects

201. Vogon
A MongoDB PHP based blog
202. JYUOA
203. REST-WebAPI
Enterprise level application with MVC4 Web API's using Entity Framework ,Generic Repository pattern and Unit of Work.
204. HighchartsNET
Highcharts ASP.NET WebForms And ASP.NET Core MVC TagHelper
205. plug-and-play-1.0-RC
Poderopedia Plug & Play Platform Release Candidate
206. UmbracoAngularBackofficePages
Example project showing how to extend Umbraco with a custom tree and edit page using web api and angular
207. VoxelEngine
Unity 3D voxel project
208. dotnet-security-unit-tests
A web application that contains several unit tests for the purpose of .NET security
210. custom-membership-providers
Implementation of custom membership providers in mvc 3 using the entity framework
211. BehinderClientSource
212. TEE14Demo
Visual Studio Solution for TEE14 Session EF Model Partioning in Domain-Driven Design Bounded Contexts
214. AngularJS-WebAPI-BookStore
A book store application using angularJS and Asp.Net Web API
215. twitter-bootstrap-mvc3-template
The default C# MVC3 Internet & Intranet project templates styled using Twitter Bootstrap.
216. FeatureSwitch
FeatureSwitch is library that should reduce amount of time and code required to implement feature switching in your projects.
217. gplus-quickstart-csharp
This quick-start app is built in C# / .NET and lets you get started with the Google+ platform in a few minutes.
218. DocStubsJs
An extension for Visual Studio 2012+ to auto generate documentation comment stubs for JSDoc and VSDoc in JavaScript and TypeScript editors.
220. BeePublished
No description, website, or topics provided.
222. SPHFluid
Interactive 3D Fluid Simulation based on SPH
223. YcBlog
224. SpaStack.NET
Durandal + Knockout + JayData + oData + Bootstrap + phonejs + PhoneGap = SPAStack.NET. Build Single Page applications that run everywhere, mobile (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone) and web using this template and techniques.
225. ArcGISServerMonitor
Javascript Application for querying stats and performance of ArcGIS server site
226. Microsoft-Bot
手把手教你利用微软的Bot Framework,LUIS,QnA Maker做一个简单的对话机器人
227. Cloud3DView
Data Centre Modeling and Management System
228. photon.custom-authentication
Sample Client Authentication Services For Exit Games Photon Server
229. DisplayMonkey
Display Monkey digital signage solution
230. JustPressPlay
No description, website, or topics provided.
231. Padre
Pluggable Automatic Debugging and Reporting Engine
232. IdentityServer4.WsFederation
Sample for implementing WS-Federation IdP support for IdentityServer4
233. mips
SSR for mips router with merlin koolshare firmware
234. InstantQuick-SharePoint-Provisioning
The easiest to use and most complete SharePoint provisioning library available.
235. 0-tech-notes
learning notes, including linux related issues, software usage like VIM, tmux, common command line usage, system settings etc.
236. falafel-repository-pattern
Falafel Repository Pattern
237. Linebot-Demo-AccountBook
LINE Bot範例 - 電子記帳本 (使用LineBotSDK)
238. ShockoutForms
SharePoint + Knockout MVVM forms - an InfoPath killer
239. csharp-prog-study-guide-mcsd
Source code for 'The C# Programmer's Study Guide (MCSD)' by Ali Asad and Hamza Ali
241. sharpfastcgi
C# fastcgi protocol implementation plus shome usage examples. A good example on how to self-host your web application without the need of iis or mono.
242. swfupload
SWFUpload with transparent overlay support for Flash 10
243. teamcity-dashboard
Teamcity REST interface merged to simple JSON feed with visuals to display builds & breakers
244. WebAPI Thoughts
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.
246. PdfiumBuild
Build scripts for the PDFium library.
247. GPV
General Purpose Viewer: configurable integration of map servers with enterprise databases
248. City-Generator
Procedural, real time, city generation prototype for Unity3D.
249. BotWorkshop
A workshop for the botframework
250. csa-misc-utils
Miscellaneous samples, documents, how-tos, utilities, scripts, and other CSA tidbits
201-250 of 548 Classic ASP projects